Is it me or people on govt assistance live better than most? Let’s talk about something people won’t say out loud, but it’s true as hell: folks mooching off the taxpayer often have it better than a lot of people grinding away at 9-5s, making $100k a year. It’s a strange twist of fate, but let’s break it down. You see, when you’re on Section 8, Medicaid, and EBT, you get a full ride in ways most people can’t even imagine. Rent? Covered. Health insurance? Taken care of. Food? Well, that’s right there in the bag too. Meanwhile, you’ve got people... 3 5 replies
If your mental health is bad, you can't enjoy anything? It becomes incredibly hard to escape. Instead of enjoying things, you end up overthinking. I was watching the anime Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, but because my mental health is in such a bad state, I couldn’t enjoy it like a normal person. I dropped it. Escaping reality feels almost impossible. You started becoming more anxious, frustrated, stressed. Your hobbies, relationships, friends everything is destroyed because of your bad mental health. You can't feel anything. 1 1 replies
Work 9+ hours a day, society calls you productive. Do anything else for 9+ hours a day and society calls you an addict Funny how that works. It's all about money in the end. Normies have this strange belief system that whatever generates money or helps you get to a position of being able to generate money is somehow good by itself. Example is school. How much pointless bullshit and busy work did you have to do for school? Normies will tell you it's worth it because it helps you get a job but not because the work itself is inherently valuable. Another example is work. How much of modern white collar... 1 4 replies
Today I dreamed that I had a wife and I felt obligated to work I was arriving home, it looked like a modern apartment, and my wife, a 7.5/10, was saying how she liked being a NEET and not doing anything because I was the one working. This caused me tremendous anxiety. I felt obligated to work in the dream to maintain that life, so much so that I considered getting a divorce to go back to the life of a room NEET. Brutal dream, it reminded me that even if I were an 8-9/10 I wouldn't be able to maintain a proper... 4 1 replies
Developing Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms 😭 I feel like I’m the only one with this. Please be nice, I know I screwed up. I don’t know what I want but I need to get this off my chest. Being NEET for so long I started to really get into nsfw chats with people online. But now I just can’t stop. Every morning after waking up and even before going to sleep I make hornyposts and do nsfw chats with like minded people. This is the most interaction I have with people in my day. I’ve... 4 5 replies
I died in 2017 That's the only way I can describe it tbh. 2017 is the year I graduated high school and I've been a neet ever since. Haven't had a genuine irl conversation with anyone besides my mom, have spent almost all of that time locked up inside, haven't worked, haven't gone to college, haven't learned to drive, have done literally nothing. It's like some weird fucking purgatory where I feel the exact same as I did a decade ago but my mind has deteriorated and my body visibly aged. At this... 2 20 replies
What the hell is the point I can't do this anymore. I got depressed at 15, I'm about to turn 20, I failed school due to my poor mental health and I have no hope, friends, or a plan. Sucks to be a loser living in this world. Goddamn it. 2 0 replies
Career Become CA is more good decision than become Doctor. 1) No reservation 2) with normal degrees( ,B.BA) u can pursue it 3) starting salary 60k - 70k 4) salary start at early age 5) within 1-2 years u can reach 1.5 lakh salary 5 0 replies
Reddit makes me wanna kms But at the same time I’m addicted to it and have nothing else to do so I can’t leave, it’s like a constant reminder of how much of a failure I am how disgustingly unlovable and subhuman I am indirectly, I get more misanthropic every day I hate everyone. 2 0 replies
Story Today my nephew (6) told my brother in law he didn’t want to go to school tomorrow. My brother kept asking him why. And asked was anybody messing/bullying him at school. My nephew told him he didn’t want to go b/c school is boring. My brother kept asking him if someone was bullying him at school. Disregarding the real reason and what my nephew said. All I could do was feel for him. I guess that is when it starts. Being introduced to the way of the world. Also... 3 0 replies
Genetics aren't everything This is the response I left to another thread.... Saying genetics are everything and people who succeed tend to have good genetics... I disagree with that claim... You need to put in the grind. It's not that your average, it's your mindset that's average, let me tell you this, were all human at the end of the day, It's not like you're a different species. while it is true that some of us may shine more brightly in particular areas due to genetics, body building, basketball etc. When it comes to success and accomplishment, it's literally just a grind. If an elephant can paint a picture, a monkey can learn and communicate using sign language, and... 5 10 replies
No one understands me and im gonna die alone No one likes me, no one cares. Im a wasye of space and air and food. There is no reason for me to live. Im hated and a nuisance. That’s my existencd. Basically i have to be controbuting and useful or i kms. 5 2 replies
Are there actually online jobs? That anyone can do from home… if so what do you recommend I’m kinda on the dumber side I haven’t been able to find any good ones in the United States 3 3 replies
Tryna fix up my resume online. My resume is so dead and unimpressive. Also haven’t worked in two years. I’m probably destined for another assembly job working with older immigrants again for the rest of my life. I want to die but i can’t. Work is medicine but work is also poison. Honestly, i really want to die bc im a failure and will probably never catch up or amount to anything, but i can’t. So i have to tolerate my lonely miserable existence till maybe everyone dies but that’s unlikely. 3 0 replies
What should I do? I’m a 18 year old guy who recently dropped out of Marine bootcamp because of suicidal ideation. I tried applying to many jobs around me but I would get rejected every time. I’m not that great academically either since I graduated with a 1.8 GPA, what should I do? I really want to do something with my life but I feel as if the medical fraud in my military record is hindering me from finding employment. I tried applying to other branches as soon as I got out, but... 3 3 replies
Hi if Anyone wants to chat feel free to msg me Hi if Anyone wants to chat feel free to msg me 1 2 replies
What is a job that an obese idiot dropout who doesn't go outside can do? What is a job that an obese idiot dropout who doesn't go outside can do? 5 9 replies
No time for anything Need job to escape my shitty home life. Then i will have a shitty job ill be in. Then come back to shitty home life. No personal life. There’s no future but unhappiness. Either i be useful which means always working or im a waste of air and resources. I want to die bu i can’t. I have to quit the kiddy video game shit as well. I have to think they are kiddy bc i cant play them or. I wll be wasting time. I have to be... 1 1 replies
Why don't we have a reddit for neets who want to date other neets ? I've noticed that 95% of the neets here are single. I've also noticed that it's difficult for us, to compete with simple wageslaving competitors, when it comes to dating. Oké, I've also noticed that only about 10 to 20% of the neets on here, are female. But still I feel all of our chances of getting a good match, are still way better among our own way of life. So why don't we have that ? Am I crazy to think this, or does it somehow make sense ?... 4 17 replies