I’m so ashamed and so alone. I’ve been a neet since out of high school. My family never helped me get my license and we’re in a rural area so I didn’t know what to do. It was also the time I figured out I was a trans girl. The First year out was great; my local pro hockey team won the championship, I had friends, I entered a relationship…. But eventually all of that just crumbled and faded. That relationship ended painfully over a year later. My friends left me. It was a painful... 1 0 replies
Scared of Work It’s not work itself that scares me—it’s the fear of failing. Right now, I’m on NEETBUX, and while it helps me survive, it also feels like a trap. If I earn too much, I lose it, but what if I can’t handle the job or the hours? Last year, I tried working at a thrift store, but they wouldn’t let me do minimal hours. Risking my income for $12/hour didn’t feel worth it. The system doesn’t leave room for mistakes, and that pressure makes trying even harder. 4 6 replies
Low intelligence is the reason why I'm lonely and NEET I avoid being around other people because they will mog me all the time with their career, friends, girlfriends, knowledge, experiences, etc. I can't even be in a social media like twitter in peace, people will just humiliate me sharing being better than me in my own hobbies. That's why I can't stand a job, imagine working a low tier job for peanuts while you don't have time or enough money to appreciate anything, all of this while dealing with people somewhat doing better than you. 3 11 replies
r/NEET just got a fresh new look! Hi everyone, After having a chat with the mods, I thought it was time for a new look for r/NEET. I've updated the banner and the avatar, hope you like the changes! 2 14 replies
neet with rich parents is anyone else in a situation similar to mine? 26 years old with a college degree only ever worked for about a year in a restaurant. My parents are well off and have a few million in an affordable state and have never pressured me to get a job and prefer me to live with them. I'm at that age now where I realize how long i've been sitting around and doing nothing, gonna try to take some extreme risks this year. 4 1 replies
I am going to get fired from my job Kinda sucks because I got badmouthed by 2 coworkers who are supposed to be my back-up and who I helped get a promotion. They were writing bad things behind my back and my boss collected all the negative feedback and now wants to fire me and I don't feel like I got to say my side of the story. I have a hearing session this thursday, will get to defend myself but there is no chance I still want to work there honestly. 3 0 replies
having a social media presence basically does anyone ever daydream about being someone important online? like having a big following like in the thousands or higher for example. and no im not trying to sound clout hungry or anything like that but because i feel lonely that i dont have friendships in my real life except for my childhood friend (but she has a life unlike me). i watched a video on youtube of a girl that i kinda look up to hanging out with her friend group and it made me sad that... 5 8 replies
Half wish I could be a neet (rant) Not really interested in being a Neet, in fact I'm sure that when all is said and done i would dislike that kind of life; but rn i just hate my job lol. I just need the money, I wish everyone understood that. I don't come to work together "be anyone's friend" and just because I'm nice to you doesn't mean I'm interested in connecting with you. Im also mad at myself a bit tho, there's a way to be calm cool and polite without people thinking you want... 4 1 replies
Microdosing psychedelics For 3 weeks so far, I've been microdosing a gram of mushrooms a day. It's enough to feel high, honestly, while not being so high it's awkward to be around your family. These trips still last about 6 hours even with only 1g. I get absolutely nothing done while I'm microdosing, but I'm a NEET so nothing pressing anyways. I thought I'd have more trippy thoughts, realistically it's making me feel nothing like having deep thoughts. I only reccomend if you like being stoned!! 3 3 replies
turning 20 in a couple of days i’ve lived a pathetic life riddled with mental health issues since i was 11. my younger brother drives me places (he’s 18, i’m 19) since i don’t have a license, he’s also attending college while i rot away in my room sleeping. my own little brother is almost treating me like i’m the younger sibling. how sad is that? i hate that i’m going to be 20 and still in this same position. i hate being around people, even my own family. i feel like a loser all the... 5 1 replies
gooning addiction 19m one of my biggest copes as a neet is literally just jacking off to porn multiple times a day sometimes like 3-4 times and its actually really bad. i understand that porn has some pretty negative mental health effects and can destroy your self esteem and it seems like the only way for me to completely squash this addiction is to finally occupy myself (getting a job) and becoming more social by just going out more. i remember the longest i've gone without beating off was 39 days... 5 4 replies
I got laid off on my 4th day They weren't satisfied with me, althought I was still in the learning process (??) LOL. 2 6 replies
I've been accessing this community without an account up until recently And I must say... It seems to have so many people with a good heart. I related to so many posts and comments (except for the edgy ones) that it has become a habit checking it from time to time. I'd just like to share a little bit since it's getting harder and harder to live: * I can't really connect to anyone, one of the main reasons that made me quit my last long-term job; * I feel like my major is so useless and has nothing to... 1 1 replies
deperately need a job honestly i can't do this anymore where im just sitting around in the house all day with no obligations it genuinely is just a depressing spiral and i need some sort of schedule and some sort of occupation in my life. i dont care if its just stacking shelves or whatever manual labor at least ill get a sense of accomplishing something and being present rather than just sitting in front of a screen all day coping and distracting myself from everything 1 5 replies
sitting on the couch while house cleaners are here honestly feels so embarassing to be a neet that just sits at home all day while there are hard working house cleaners sweeping the floor and vacuuming around you while just sitting on the couch trying to act like i'm occupied on the laptop. they probably wonder every time they come here why i'm always home as a young adult (i'm 19) seemingly with no job and not in school which is certainly the case. they come like once a month and arrive at around 10-11am while im still... 4 6 replies