Work 9+ hours a day, society calls you productive. Do anything else for 9+ hours a day and society calls you an addict
Funny how that works. It's all about money in the end. Normies have this strange belief system that whatever generates money or helps you get to a position of being able to generate money is somehow good by itself. Example is school. How much pointless bullshit and busy work did you have to do for school? Normies will tell you it's worth it because it helps you get a job but not because the work itself is inherently valuable. Another example is work. How much of modern white collar work is just bullshit computer exercises or just you sitting at a desk for hours everyday. But normies believe that because you make money from it, that sitting at your desk doing nothing is a virtuous task in in of itself. I'm sure someone can explain it better than me but that's the gist of it. Normies always avoid truth and can never grasp cause and effect. Everything has to be twisted in someway and explained indirectly.1
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