I almost want to get kicked out Getting evicted would force me to be a man and find a way to survive without easy safes to food and shelter I’ll never become a man if I can just keep screwing up because I have a safety net 1 0 replies
High paying jobs and careers where I don’t have to interact with people?? Anything at all, I hate people and people hate me. I just wanna make some money, smoke some weed bang some hookers and when I get bored I’ll sudoku 5 0 replies
i cant live in real life most of the time im either reading or watching animes but whenever i think about real life i get kinda sad. theres nothing about the grind that i like. everyone wants to get an education, a job, a house, a family, and thats it? how are normal people just not fucking miserable all the time with the tedium? going to work is miserable, sitting in traffic is miserable, groceries are miserable. every second im away from my computer i want to return back to it, but most people seem... 2 0 replies
Anyone else is living in the past? Im a bit stoned currently, and i had alot of thoughts about my life anyway lately. Im 33 yo and i feel that i live in the past, like im 33 yo but im mentaly stuck at like 20 yo and i wonder to myself, holy shit how did the time went by so fast, i recall memories very often, good memories but everything happened over 10 years ago 2012-2016 to be precize. I never moved forward in life at all, and the realization all this years are lost,... 2 0 replies
It feels a bit dark Im a Neet, and I dont hate it. The thing is that I live in the country side, I have no friend, no lover, no parents. It feels a bit dark as if im the only one in the world. I have an attentional disorder, and I spend every minute day dreaming, the result is that I feel like everything is a bit dark, as if I don’t really see the reality. Even when I go out for my walks, it’s often deserted which I prefer, but I feel... 5 0 replies
Normies are fascists, simple as They are corporatists and act as a network, they create these ties between them that make them always act like gangsters, they don't let you in though. 3 0 replies
Just for fun: rank the least and most toxic subreddits I only participate in the NEET sub and I like it here. it's very non toxic to me. I just thought it would be fun to ask which subs you find very toxic and which very friendly 1 0 replies
What’s your relationship like with your parents? What’s your relationship like with your parents? 1 0 replies
Is dual enrollment worth it? Dual enrollment as far as I know is simply doing college online while your in high school. As a 17YOA neet, is it worth it? Or better to go outside and do it? Or? 3 0 replies
Looking for a self-improvement buddy! I'm a 19-year-old guy, a virgin and a bit of a shut-in, but I've managed to build up a considerable amount of muscle from working out a lot since last year. I’m looking for others who feel similarly — maybe friendless or stuck in a rut — but are ready to make a positive change. If you're interested in improving your life, we could stay in touch, motivate each other, and work on personal growth together. Whether it's about fitness, developing social skills, or just making better life choices.... 1 0 replies
Games So what games are y'all playing through right now. Anything interesting cool etc?. For me personally I've recently picked up the mother series on a GBA Emulator but after that I'll probably play some other GBA RPG Series. 5 0 replies
GOD IF YOU EXIST, PLEASE HELP ME. HELP ME NOW. There’s no time left for me. I need help quickly. I need help. God save me 🙏🙏🙏 Save my life 🙏🙏🙏 3 0 replies
UPDATE: I got a job. Spoiler: I don't have a job anymore. If you didn't read my previous post, let me give you a brief summary. Basically, my parents sent me out of town to live with my grandparents for a while. There, they found me a job so I could understand how it feels like to work and "socialize". They told me to work for at least three weeks and decide if I want to keep working or not. I, you guessed it, quit after working for three weeks, which felt like three... 2 0 replies
Mom really rich. When I asked my mom why she doesn’t stop working she says “no one wants to just do nothing” When the entire point of money is to do nothing Hedonists vs Masochists 1 0 replies
Job application deal breaker What’s your limit for job applications? Like, what’s something you’re just not willing to do? For me, the second they ask for a 30 second video explaining why you’re the best for the job, I immediately discard the application and screenshot it to laugh about it with the bois. Just wondering if other people have limits like that too. 2 0 replies
I dont see how i wont be homeless one day Im not trying to speak things into reality here. but if i stay on the current path im on, i'll definitely be homeless when my parents die. Its a scary thought. my dad often tells me i should go into the city and look at the homeless people. because thats where ill end up if i dont get a job. I cant find a job even when i try! no one accepts my resume. Im trying to get disability so i can live in a van at best one... 2 0 replies
I absolutely loathe taking showers, but always feel so much better after I do. It's strange! I'm less stressed, and more social. Just universally happier. Maybe I should start showering early. Unfortunately do to autism I hate the feeling of taking showers, even though I also hate being dirty... So stressful to me for some reason. 4 0 replies
I have a question If majority of the world hates working. How is it possible that the whole world just keeps working? You know without making a change. 3 0 replies
I’m trapped on universal credit / lcwra I feel like I’m trapped . I want to apply for jobs but I feel like no decent job would want me , only shit like retail . The moment I even get a job they’ll revoke my pip from me and yes I am aware you can claim pip whilst in work but they make it difficult and use having a job against you. I know no decent job will want me because I applied for computer science apprenticeships dozens of times in 2022 and every single one... 4 0 replies