Jury Duty Has any Neets gotten any summons recently for jury duty ? I got one coming up. I'm just going to go in see how it is 1 0 replies
Any other Neets have a masters degree too? What field is your one in? Have you been able to use it? 3 0 replies
Fantasies of salvation (the final doomerpill) I have daily fantasies about someone coming to save me. To pull me out of my current situation, to value me, to be my friend. Practically every single day I check my Discord to see if anyone has added me. I go outside to walk, hoping to randomly bump into someone and be their friend. But I know it will never happen. I hope that the place at which I volunteer I'll meet someone randomly, and we'll hit it off. But there is no salvation. No one is coming... 2 0 replies
Need advice from those of you who have no friends at all I’m talking like no friends and generally can’t really make friends. How do you guys keep going? I’m struggling. 4 0 replies
Any Real Hikikomori Neets out there? It's all out of my hands, I give up. People will give you useless advice and invalidate all your problems and deem you an annoyance. They want us gone, they're truly evil people. The world is not a nice place, I am trapped in my room because I lost the will to do ANYTHING. And yet, people gaslight you to work even though I am completely disabled. They want us to needlessly suffer. They love to see us suffer. Life is naturally harder for me and I can hardly... 4 0 replies
I’ve finally won! At least for now. After years of a depressing life with suffering, years of psychological torture from misophonia, I'm finally an independent neet. Some quick history, my parents never educated me besides a few years of homeschooling when I was really young, I never went to high school, primary school, college, university. It'd be hard to get a traditional job even if I wanted to. I have various mental and neurological illnesses, including misophonia pertained specifically at my dads coughing (which he did daily, a lot.) I had decided I was going to... 3 0 replies
I wish I was good at something I can't be good at anything I do, no matter how hard I train and try there will always be many people ahead of me ready to overshadow my success. • This world is for disgusting average NORMIES who are content with their average MEDIOCRE life and the TALENTED ones who are good at something with less effort due to GENETICS. I hate being so inferior, I wish I was good at something and be admired for it. 1 0 replies
Most of you hate people, not jobs (just a theory) Obviously, work itself is pretty damn miserable. If it weren't, why would we need to get paid to do it? Enjoying your work is a tremendous fortune. But based on what I've seen here and my own experiences, I'm starting to wonder if most people's problems with work have more to do with the social aspect of it. If your bosses, coworkers, or customers weren't such rotten sacks of shit, would the 9 to 5 grind be worth it to you? I think that for me it would. There... 5 0 replies
NEET poem Never have I ever had a kind friend— Languishing in misery, can't you see? Ev'ryone moves ahead, while I go down, down below. Inhibition reigns, in my life and yours— Expelled to hell from heaven's reign: no warmth for me! Fighting against the present urge for death— Tonight will be my final stand with life. Exiting my cruel fate; it never began. Reality is fading, hoping beyond hope— Outside this world is blissful nothingness, Culling the hatred and evil and darkness out, Kingdom of Heav'n come, so I may... 2 0 replies
The world is doomed I'm just a little person. A small individual. But the world is heading towards doom and not even my usually optimistic hope towards humanity's future could rest the anxiety and fear of thinking that I might die to nuclear destruction. I'm in my 8th year as a neet, with parents doing their best to rise above the poverty line and returning to being true middle class again. Our money would never be enough to build a shelter underground when we can't even afford groceries. But we are recovering financially... 3 0 replies
How the hell do normies do the 9 to 5? I cannot handle all that, especially for low wages. Honestly how can anyone get motivated to work? A recuiter hit me up and it would be the typical 9-5, plus 1 hr commute there and another hour back. I'd take home about $2200 for the month, but spend $100/week in fuel, so I'd bring in about $1800/month. Weekly, that's like only making $450 - or less than $100 per shift. Now this would be fine if I didn't have bills to worry about, but I do. I'd seriously rather stay home. How the hell do normies do it?... 1 0 replies
Anyone else drink tea or coffee but slowly every morning? It's so comfy to take your time and enjoy every SIIIIIP 2 0 replies
People over 20y.o., who have been doing 'nothing' or not working AT ALL for consecutive years, how do you justify it? I remember there was a period in my life when i did nothing, and just whatever i wanted to do for 4.5 years straight. I had nothing that I had to attend to, no tasks at all besides like washing my own clothes and cooking, no responsibilities, and everything was just based around interests, playing, friends, exercising etc. Looking back on it now it was quite a weird but also very natural, feeling part of my life. It seemed very slow, but the days went past quickly though. I... 3 0 replies
A thing that bothers me In every appointment i had, my psychologist will always say your not a loser, failure etc and he always able to rationally explain why with solid reasons, for example first obviously being mental illness and everyones brains work differently then i came on reddit today just to find a post of someone asking advice for her bf who is unable to hold jobs to find nine out of ten comments that says “LEAVE HIM, HIS A MANCHILD, A LOSER!, etc”. Sigh.. This is exactly what i mean when i... 3 0 replies
I need help Been unemployed for a year but finally got a job warehousing tomorrow but i feel like i want to go in a hole and die. Idk the point of this post but i guess need some encouragement 3 1 replies
I am tired My cv got rejected. I am just tired of applying for jobs. My savings are dwindling. I don't know what to do. 3 3 replies
I can't live like this anymore I tried to be happy, but I can never be happy. I'm waiting for my final death. I'm a virgin who never knew love. I wish I did. Another empty Valentine's Day. Never had friends, I'm just not normie enough for them. I'm lonely and so alone. Sometimes I delude myself in trying to make friends or try to belong but it'll just hurt my feelings even more. When I become an angel, nobody will know how hard I tried to exist just to not matter. I'm just a... 1 0 replies
How I got out of Neetdom Basically I was a neet for ages but then got out of it. Here's how. I think people should try this, because women do this type of stuff all the time..... they try to use their sexuality to get them jobs. I've said this on here before and redditors just refused to believe me lol but it's true. Here's how: I went on a gay app (I'm not gay tho) and i asked this guy who seemed nice if he could get me a job where he works, and... 3 2 replies
Browsing through BEST and checking the threads is super depressing All the people who were super happy being neets in their 30s and making fun of wagies in the top threads saying how comfy everything is, has either gone /u/deleted or had their accounts suspended. Word of warning for you younger neets... This period of comfy happiness will not last forever. It will hit you like nothing has hit you ever before. Talk to your friends, ask parents and relatives for help. Get out of this lifestyle while you can. Edit: top, not best 5 2 replies