I actually got welfare for the first time in my life Its called "unemployment insurance benefit" in my country, but basically its the same thing, the government pays me about 450€ per month for doing nothing, while living with my parents. So im pretty comfortable for the next 9 months (the amount of time they will pay it). All I have to do is apply to jobs and write down my applications in a diary... This might seem pathetic but I see this as an opportunity to actually do something productive, specifically my goal is to make money with YouTube... 2 3 replies
Why are you a virgin too? For me I just don't know anyone *like that*, I believe I have body dysphoria, and I find the whole act of sex to be weird and inessential (but I don't think I'm asexual because I like naughty images). And, side note, but has anyone else suspected the need to live with parents is a huge reason people might choose not to have sex (since they don't have sufficient privacy)? I feel like this could be massively important but I hardly hear it be discussed. 2 9 replies
What tf am I supposed to do I'm a 24 y/o neet living with my parents, I don't drive, and I don't have a college degree or vocational training. I took a gap year after highschool before attempting college and made it about 8 weeks before I became so stressed I was suicidal, which was the worst my depression had been in years. About a year after that I tried online school and took classes intermittently for a few semesters but finished maybe a couple classes, the rest I kept dropping or failing and having to... 4 4 replies
hi, dummies im a dummy too, dw dw, not flaming you i feel like a miserable pile of shit today, anyone wanna call on discord these days? my tag is juuvi_ actually what i want is to make friends so anyone who wants to try, just hmu there because i dont use reddit. I'll tell you all about me in private but i promise im just another human trying to have fun despite the dread of being alive 2 4 replies
I was right, it never even BEGAN Today I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at 23M, and according to my doctor the anhedonia, anxiety and ADHD I have are fully caused by it which is why no meds or treatments will ever work for me and have never worked so far. So pretty much, there is no escape, I will suffer 24/7 until the end, I also have undiagnosable chronic fatigue and heart problems nobody can figure out and I believe that now is the true time for neetbuxx. Hopefully if I manage to get neetbuxx... 5 7 replies
New online resource for NEETs I'm a psychologist working with young adults facing challenges at the cusp of adult (relative) independence, and have wanted an online non-therapy video resource to supplement the work I do. So I made one: 11 hours of content spread over 82 short videos. I asked redditors (and others) for content suggestions and based much of the program on the replies I got. At this point I'd be interested to hear from folks what they think of the result. I haven't made a preview video yet - I'll wait for... 4 3 replies
Felt like a normie today Normally I'm rather a shut in person, but today I had to talk to complete strangers. My ISP decided to axe wireless network due to the lack of customers and move all clients to an optical fibre. Their men removed the old receiver, installed cable, set up the router. They asked questions about previos contract and other technical details, I answered, then they done the work and left. Nothing extraordinary happened. It was a normal interaction, but it made me think that neets also had to interact with the... 5 3 replies
Just got laid off I thought my life is going to be on track again after having a poor work history and being a neet. I got hired from Amazon warehouse without talking to a single person (no inteview). My position literally doesn't require communication skill- I push boxes to a conveyor and put packages into containers, and the best part you can listen to music/ podcast while working. This was a perfect job for me who has social anxiety. I work 20hrs a week (sometimes 40hrs if I feel like it)which is... 1 11 replies
No value as a human being I have a rare condition and depend on medication to control it I am financially dependent on my parents and It’s fucking humiliating, I know, but I can’t get a job due to mental health issues. I constantly have to subject myself to begging for money. Sometimes they blackmail me because they know I depend on them. There is no respect, no dignity, I am only seen as a parasite. Not that I disagree, but that’s how it is. Your worth as a human being is tied to what... 5 4 replies
Are there any NEETs here who have the privilege of going out in public to cope? Does anyone else here go to parks, outdoor public spaces, pass by restaurants you can never eat in or walk into stores to windowshop for things you really want, but probably will never afford? Walking outdoors is probably the only exercise I get and the only thing that actually motivates me to exercise rather than doomspiral. Sitting on my computer brings me comfort, but after a while the stimulation just sort of goes away, and I seek something else. 4 12 replies
How do I escape the NEET and wageslave purgatory? One day a NEET, wageslaving the other day. I'm just saving money to quit and have some free time but then I get depressed as neet. I'm not liking either option with neet being just a tad less miserable, then it goes to shit once the money runs out 5 2 replies
Do you guys feel like a awful human being sometimes? Sometimes i want to know if my parents or rest of my family think im a bad person. i like to call myself a bad person because i know im being a burden on them by being a leech but its not like i wish to be a bad person if you know what i mean? I just hate feeling like an awful human being, i guess no-one would as nobody likes being disliked or despised, its just an awful feeling knowing you might intrinstically be a bad person... 4 12 replies
I spend almost 4 hrs daily playing PiggyGo Please be friends with me on PiggyGo, there's nothing else I'm doing but lying in bed being depressed playing it The least I can do is also play it with friends. It's a dice rolling game with a Gameboard free to play https://www.facebook.com/share/p/18cXX71Tuo/ 1 1 replies
Who do you blame the most for being a NEET? edit: Or if you like being a NEET, what do you attribute it to? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/1iiu0ch) 3 10 replies
The only thing stopping me from having suicidal thoughts is doing exercise I've been living in almost complete social isolation from outside my home since the beginning of the pandemic. My parents don't force me to work. But they do force me to do exercise. It's weird, but it kind of makes sense. So I workout 3 or 4 times a week and play sports once or twice. Doesn't make me want to go out and venture into the world but it does clear my head a little bit. 3 5 replies
The unintentional saga continues +no connections This is probably my (M23) second time posting here and things haven't gotten alot better tbh. I still haven't gotten a job and live at home. As stated before I recently graduated and got a job a few months after graduation. However my family(my siblings) are on welfare therefore they cut their benefits. Thankfully there back in track but I'm still unemployed and it's getting to me mentally. There's the whole stigma around being jobless and it's driving me insane. Not to mention the aching feeling of being left... 5 0 replies
I'm poor, no friends, no posses, yet I'm content with life I know it may seem mediocrity and perhaps this is but my life always has been mediocre so whatever, shit don't stop happening but I'm fine with that, I became one with suffering, struggles are everywhere, I don't care. We are all going to die in the end. 4 2 replies
Real talk; would you rather have one or two close friends or a lot of casual relationships? ALSO I JUST DRANK SOME KRATOM, MAN THIS IS THE FUCKING DRUG BRING ME MORE KRATOM 😂 3 6 replies
[Serious] I feel like a anomaly and I am not made for this world this post is going to get messy, i don't know. currently right now as i am typing this on reddit, i am not in great in spot in life. i am lost and i don't know what to do and feel like the biggest loser existence. when i was a very child i just knew this world is not suited for me and i am out of high school now (i stayed an extra year) and i was right. people around me always ask me what career/major and my... 3 0 replies