What's the longest you've spent time alone? Like with little-to-no contact with other people. For me it was 2yrs (and then some), I only went out for groceries and occasionally for a friend/family event that my mother dragged me too. Now, the longest time i'll spend indoors is around 3 months. I've been trying to go out at least once every Saturday but i can't always bring myself to leave my home. 5 7 replies
I'm depressed and lonely but I dislike most people And I really wish there was a website dedicated to helping awkward people make friends 4 6 replies
Which type are you? I have a feeling most of us are creative or harmonizing (normalizing is literally normies lol) [https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/socionics/chapter/dcnh-subtypes](https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/socionics/chapter/dcnh-subtypes) [https://varlawend.blogspot.com/2022/07/shs-subtypes-reference-2022.html](https://varlawend.blogspot.com/2022/07/shs-subtypes-reference-2022.html) 3 2 replies
Would you sue your family if you could? They stole my life. But I could still sue them for forging the inheritance papers to disappropriate me from the house my grandfather left me. 3 10 replies
I am young and happy, still i am falling in a NEET lifestyle I am a teenager 16M, about to graduate from highschool, didnt studied much and good college seems distant, my dad dies when i was 13 so there is no scope for me to live off my parents, i was smart but then i gave up on working hard, so my grades plummeted, i used to workout, and was lean, now i gained 7+kg now i am skinny fat, i still have a vibrant social life but all my friends seems fake to me me, i made my second GF... 3 5 replies
Slowly getting social anxiety? It's feels like I've become more uncomfortable around crowds and shit now. Anyone else feel the same? My self concept isn't even negative or bad tho 4 10 replies
Thinking about making some big moves. Hello again guys, So Ive been ruminating and thinking as we all do and I am about to reach the breaking point of what I can handle about normie society. Someone in an early post I made suggested I just leave and live in a forest. Now at first brushed it off as a joke, but the more and more I live day by day, I am starting to think that its probably going to be the best for me. I genuinely feel like my two options now are... 2 4 replies
One week of this job almost done I thought I was gonna have to do the same job as Monday, but thankfully it was only temporary that day. For Tuesday it was more easier on my body, but pain was still there. Wednesday was the easiest day since it seems like the place finally got another new hire to help us out. For the first time in a while I have a little goal on what I want to do. It’s the dumbest thing too, buy myself some plain shirts 3 4 replies
I am si mentally retarded I just wish to let this one out. I am a 29F NEET. Women NEET exist and we dont have it easy either. Especially since I am overweight and what not. Mentally ill. I will never be able to get true friends. Heck, I wish I could have sex once and be done with it. I have hit the wall and who the fuck would want me. I have nothing to offer. Lol. Maybe pay a man to fuck me. I will never be able to have friends. I... 3 10 replies
Council housing in the uk priorities druggies and single mums over people like me I live with a dysfunctional parent . I’ve been trying for over a year to move into my own apartment but have had no luck . council gave me a band C. Last night my mum was being horrible to me and I genuinely felt scared I’d have to defend myself against her or something (she has been physically aggressive towards me before when I was 16/17 whilst she’s been intoxicated) I called the police but regretted it because I got paranoid they’d take my devices from me again... 3 2 replies
Our lives are a speck of dust in the universe We were brought in this world without conscent, only to come and realize there is no meaning to it. From an evolutionary standpoint the meaning of life is about the survival and replication of the gene. The carousel of life goes on, birth death, death and birth without a higher meaning attached to it. Our lives are a mere speck of dust and almost everyone's life won't be remembered given on a long enough timeline of the universe. 3 10 replies
Doing little tasks to allow myself to be lazy I love doing little stuff that can count as being “productive” like washing my bed sheets, or organizing something in my room so that I won’t feel like a total asshole when I just wanna nap all day. It does honestly help a little! And that’s what I’m gonna do today🩷 4 4 replies
My mom just invited me to go to costco Hi, My mom & dad are going to costco this morning. My mom asked me if I want to come. I said no. She mentioned that I really need to spend more time outside of the house and that I should spend more time with my parents. I said no again. I don't like hanging out with my parents when they're together because when they are they just bicker and argue. Is that ok. 4 8 replies
I want rope Now im officially neet, because I failed college and dropped out, honestly I feel so hopeless and depressed, if I had a gun I would have used it on my brain already. I turn 24 in January and I really have no hope for the future, to make matters worse I am very poor and I am from Brazil, where the economy is shit, I also have health problems. The only thing that stops me from going is my mom, but I pray to God that I die and... 4 10 replies
Who here genuinely wants to escape the NEET existence? Who here has a plan? Genuinely curious. I see an insane amount of dooming in this sub. While life is hard for all and even harder for others, that doesn't mean that there are zero options. My path out of the NEET misery business probably started with me being willing to accept the monetary support of my parents, then using that to get meds and a job. I'm not out yet, still very reclusive, but things are a lot better. 2 2 replies
Friendship is overrated Growing up I never really had a close friend group or even friend. I was always more of a background guy. I’ve realized that friendships always seem to be one sided and it’s rare to find people that reciprocate love and energy to me. I was always starting convos, and when I stopped initiating the conversations stopped. I don’t think I’ve ever really had someone be genuinely interested in me. Thankfully I enjoy my own company and I’ve found a beautiful subreddit of like minded people. Stay comfy everyone.... 3 0 replies
Why aren't you in Africa? Internet, food and rent is insanely cheap over there and there are an incredible amount of English speaking countries that you can choose from. Foreigners often have many privileges that locals don't. I can only think of a few reasons why you wouldn't consider Africa: If you're an online gamer then you will likely have to connect to Euro servers which means insanely high ping You're scared of easily transmittable diseases NeetMaxing in Africa is the method.. trust 3 7 replies
I don't feel like doing anything Title says it all. What's the point. I am severely ill and depressed.Most of the days I spend in my bed. 5 0 replies
Going homeless in three weeks Wish me luck guys. With a 2.5 year resume gap finding a job will be impossible so the situation is likely to be permanent. I have some savings so I’m going to buy drugs and try to make the end of my life come faster. Unfortunately where I’m going they have cracked down on both homeless and on hard narcotics so I will have a more uphill battle than if I had been in this spot 2 years ago even. Fuck America. Fuck my family. Fuck my life. This... 1 0 replies