26yr Old NEET (7yrs) | Need Help Getting Out Of This. Hello, I have been a NEET since I graduated highschool (2017), I'm 26 now and I just want to move on. I never even enjoyed this much to be honest. It was fun for like 6 months when I thought I was voluntarily doing this. Eventually I realized even if I wanted to get out I had no idea how and my anxiety/OCD gets in the way of everything. I finally got a diagnosis of OCD and am starting to get treatment for it but this does not fix... 3 0 replies
NEETs who drink or smoke: What motivates you to continue, and how do you feel it impacts your daily life? Personally, I enjoy drinking on the weekends and occasionally smoking because it brings me pleasure and I enjoy those moments. What's your experience? 1 0 replies
My four year anniversary as a NEET was 4 days ago I just realized I've officially been a NEET for 4 years and 4 days. Time has gone by exceptionally quick. It's been an alright life. I'm living my childhood dream. Just chilling all day and sleeping whenever I want to. I get NEETbux so I'm comfy. I get to smoke weed all day every day and just sit in front of my computer all day. Those were my favorite childhood and teenage activities and I am happy I can continue them today. I'm a content NEET these days. I... 3 0 replies
26 year old sad, depressed and broken NEET here I don't think I will ever be able to hold a job in my life because I think I am just too sad, depressed and broken from the inside I have no skill, no talent, no desire, no motivation, no will to do anything in my life I am just a born loser, I guess some of us are just born to be a failure 1 0 replies
I don't fit in to any group I feel like everyone has become so extreme like a caricature. People are becoming very tribalistic. And I never fit in with any group. I wish I did. I was bullied and excluded from a young age. I used to have friends especially in middle school and high school, but it's all pretty much ended and I'm all alone. Honestly I'd take being alone over being bullied. But I get pretty lonely sometimes too, and coping with being alone all the time kinda sucks. At least I have my... 3 0 replies
There's really no need to find a partner to cope up with the burden of existence. >**This world is blind! There are so few Who see things as they truly are.** Come, take a good look at this world, pretty like a king's chariot. Though fools become immersed in it, For the wise there's no attachment. See how much it's like a bubble! See how much it's like a mirage! The king of death does not see one who regards the world in this way. >\- Dhammapada, **Lokavagga: "The World"** (Verses 167-178) 1 0 replies
Happy Valentine’s Day Sup y’all. My plans today: - get mental health evaluation (this is going to determine whether I go to prison or receive treatment outside! 😄) - present the idea for the mural art and estimate cost to the business owner - clean and organize the shop for 3 hours and get paid in cash (swag) - come home, plan out next week and chill out for the weekend and work more on worldbuilding fantasies stories What I’m gonna do with that money: - buy some socks and underwear -... 5 0 replies
I am a pcm student with PCM , ENGLISH AND PE NO BIO NO BIOTECH CAN I GIVE NEET? I am a pcm student physical education is my additional I have no biology no biotechnology can I still give NEET? Please answer 4 0 replies
Any NEETs from India Here...I'm a 30 Year Old NEET for many Years from India...How have you managed to be a NEET in India. I'm Planning to End my NEET Life and Find a Job to Start All over again, I just can't Give Up, I have Anxiety Attacks thinking about My Future Almost Every Other Day...Are you Looking to End the NEET Life considering the Horrendous Economy of the Country right Now... 4 6 replies
I am a subhuman piece of shit If you are not neurotypical you are destined to suffer. I just wish I was normal in my head and could learn things like people do by going to school, watching tutorials, reading books... I just can't, I'm like an animal, I only learn through pain and bad experience, I'm stupid, I have a low IQ, I have bad genetics and no talent. 5 8 replies
Thoughts of my Neet life fading away The more time I spend with my wife and kids and also at work the more my Neet life seems like it was some distant past, even though it’s only been three months since I left the Neet life. I will always prefer the Neet life to working but the more I work and spend time with my wife and kids the more I like it. If I hit the lottery the first thing I’m going to do is give my wife half, then I will quit my job... 2 2 replies
How's your family finances ( if you are aware) To all neets are you aware of your parents finances? I just found out that my parents are thinking of selling the house. I am honestly shocked I thought my parents are doing pretty good but recent events and bad decisions that results in 15k canadian dollars damages. I am scared I just got laid off from my job with around 10k Canadian dollars in savings. Our house was bought in 2018 so we don't have a lot of equity ( selling price- mortgage debt) We are so cooked.... 2 5 replies
I can't talk without stuttering anymore. Isolation has done a number on my speech. I can articulate myself pretty well online, but can't irl. It's really embarrassing when you want to say something, only for it to come out as incoherent garbage. I hate myself so fucking much it's unbearable. 2 0 replies
Am I destined to be NEET? It seems like I lost the lottery from the moment I was born. My mother is intellectually disabled, and my father is an extreme narcissist who has given me CPTSD through various forms of abuse. I believe I have autism or something that delays your brain, likely carried over genetically from my mother. I’m 27 years old at this point and still a virgin. In general I found I don’t have what it takes to fit into society as I’ve had zero friends or relationships. I hate almost everything... 1 1 replies
Would you sell years of your life for cash I often wish that one could sell a couple decades of life for cold hard cash. There are old ass billionaires out there with more money than they could ever spend and young NEETS like us wasting away our prime years because we lack the resources to properly enjoy it. When I think about it, it's no different than working a 9-5 because unless you're one of the few lucky ones who genuinely enjoys your job, your selling your finite and precious time on earth for cash which allows... 4 6 replies
Why do you keep going? I thought if I got a relationship it would make me happy. But I don’t think it will. So am I supposed to just wait till I die alone? I hate all normies. 1 2 replies