Why do I get recommended old fortnite streams even though I never have watched fortnite content and lazar? 4 0 replies
Youtube mobileb is getting buggy Anyone else having problems with youtube recently. All of a sudden, I can't scroll through videos while having a video playing on the mini player. Youtube is actually un usable when a video is playing. I also hate that, if your watchinga videoin full-scree, if you swipe up or down, it instantlychanges watch your watching. also, on a side note, skipping to the next ad, just to skip the ad is soo annoying. 3 0 replies
Youtube is filled with fake information and clickbait The video platform is not what it was 5 years ago. I will not get into ads, as I use premium, I am only focusing on the content that is fed to you as a viewer. It got worse than on TV, everything is clickbait, everything has the same Mr beast captions and loud useless narrator voice, but the worst part is, the quality of the content itself is poor, basic, and barely scratches the surface of what is meant to be 'teaching' you. I have turned off search... 3 0 replies
Youtube ads are completely insufferable now It's gotten completely ridiculous. It genuinely feels like every few minutes now and the unskippable portion keeps getting longer. And they wonder why everyone is using adblockers. 1 0 replies
An Italian Supercar Company is the Result of Another Italian Supercar Company. An Italian Supercar Company is the Result of Another Italian Supercar Company. 5 0 replies
what is this genre of video and why are they everywhere lol? they’re all weirdly similar in how they get started immediately with no intro and have no transition between topics 2 0 replies
why am I getting so many India women on shorts? it doesn't bother me, but I am very confused, is this happening to anyone else? 4 0 replies
youtube censorship is out of control and getting worse by the day. its like every little word now. even words like "die" "criminal" "suicide" and all that stuff are censored and ppl are saying stuff like unalive. like i get demonitization and stuff but its just too much now. like i saw a video where FIREwas blurred out was censored and words like gun too. its so cringe and annoying. like youtube is 13+ for a reason and YT KIDS IS A THING!!!! like there was a literal ad for cp that was on. and videos for songs like WAP are... 4 0 replies
youtube is giving me a “something went wrong” error it keeps giving me the 'something went wrong' error every time i try to watch a video. i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, i cant updated it, and i've restarted my phone. anyone have any fixes? 1 0 replies