Gannavaram airport parking for 3-4days?
Does anyone used or have idea of is there parking facility available for couple of days and what are the charges per day?
about manusmriti
is manusmriti a hindu book? cuz that promotes animal violence by humans, just read manusmriti 5.39
A gang of Islamists in an organized manner and through MLM like referral system, would selectively approach minor Hindu girls through social media,... offer them toys and mobile phones. After months of successful grooming, they would sexually abuse them and then force them to convert to Islam.
A gang of Islamists in an organized manner and through MLM like referral system, would selectively approach minor Hindu girls through social media,... offer them toys and mobile phones. After month...
उद्या ३९५ वी शिवजयंती... अटकेपार झेंडे ते आरक्षणाची भीक
तुम्ही मराठा असाल तर शिवाजी महाराज यांना देव मानता का? आणि का? मराठी माणसाची आज महाराष्ट्रातच मराठी बोलण्यासाठी नाचक्की होत आहे... ही वेळ आपल्यावर का आली? शिवाजी महाराजांना हिंदुत्वाच्या नावाखाली...
Ramnagar: जिम कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क से सटे ग्रामीण इलाकों में बाघ के लगातार हो रहे हमलों से आक्रोशित लोगों ने जब वन विभाग के खिलाफ सड़क पर उतरकर प्रदर्शन किया. प्रशासन ने इसे कानून-व्यवस्था का मुद्दा बनाकर उनके खिलाफ मुकदमा दर्ज कर लिया. इतना ही नहीं, क्षेत्र में धारा 144 लागू कर दी गई ।
Ramnagar: जिम कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क से सटे ग्रामीण इलाकों में बाघ के लगातार हो रहे हमलों से आक्रोशित लोगों ने जब वन विभाग के खिलाफ सड़क पर उतरकर प्रदर्शन किया. प्रशासन ने इसे कानून-व्यवस्था का मुद्दा...
Networking and meet new people : IS IT WORTH IT please ? I will not promote
I WILL NOT PROMOTE **How much have the people you've met helped you to succeed?** I'm thinking about whether I shouldn't try to force myself to meet as many people as possible in order to get a tri...
Advikk, the scum involved in the KIIT suicide case, is under police custody
Advikk, the scum involved in the KIIT suicide case, is under police custody
Property Experts - Need Your Help
Hi fam, I'm planning to buy a property in Ahmedabad, especially in Sarkhej - Juhapura region. We are looking to buy a house and not an apartment or a flat. Now, the thing is, after all of my resea...
Hey everyone!!! Am from Chandigarh and recently in a stupid situation which I am sure most of you must have been into. So I need your little help. So I have this friend of mine. We met randomly o...
Looking for a NGO from where we can adopt cat
Same as title
" Earning a living " SHOULD NOT be normal. No one asked to be born in this vile capitalist system.
" Earning a living " SHOULD NOT be normal. No one asked to be born in this vile capitalist system.
Liberation experiences?
Is there anybody here that was in goa during liberation or have heard a vivid experience from someone else? I'm writing a story based during November - december 1961 in Panjim , I had read a few bo...
Japan's own Nalanda University, the Supreme Buddhist Vihar
Japan's own Nalanda University, the Supreme Buddhist Vihar
Political situation in india
We should have term limits and age limits for our governance. No chief minister should be able to get more than two terms and that must also include the immediate family members. How are we so okay...
Trump to Fire Hundreds From FAA Despite Four Deadly Crashes on His Watch
Trump to Fire Hundreds From FAA Despite Four Deadly Crashes on His Watch
Seeing Sunrise with HJB Girl and Her Magic
I went to meet her at HJB at 3:30 AM. My eyes were searching for her when suddenly, I felt a pat on my back and heard a cheerful "Hey!" It was her. What a smile, what energy she carried! It was as ...
Good budget hotels for friend visiting from Mumbai
My friend and his family (total of 6, 4 adults , 2 kids) visiting Mangalore and will be staying for 3 nights. Could you suggest a good budget / 3 star hotel ? What's your view of Deepa Comforts o...
Best food delivery apps?
What are some trustworthy food delivery apps used in Kochi? Like it should be hygienic and neat. Some suggestions would be amazing. Thanks!
Andhra Pradesh is south or east?
Can any andhraite state out whether you guys are a south Indian state or an east Indian state please?
"Assam police summons a Punjabi for disrespecting Kerala ". Well brothers of Assam, anything to say on this
"Assam police summons a Punjabi for disrespecting Kerala ". Well brothers of Assam, anything to say on this
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