I do not have a job history That's all I wanted to say. I am almost 22 years old without any job history aside from working at customer service in a mall that was full of old people that didn't know how to use electronic pay or something, I was forced to do math all the time which I'm pretty horrible at honestly and I had a lot of anxiety during my first run, I was pretty clumsy too so I got fired immediately, obviously. I envy people who say they quit out of their own... 4 0 replies
Daily reminder that you don’t have to adhere to anyone else’s standards but your own Daily reminder that you don’t have to adhere to anyone else’s standards but your own 4 0 replies
I hate how you need to be exceptional to succeed these days Most of us are just average people. Not geniuses or super athletes. It seems like the fucking goalpost get moved higher every year. Nowadays even a bachelors is like a high school diploma. It honestly infuriates me that this fucking pyramid scheme only gets worse every year! Imagine how smart you need to be to become a surgeon. Now keep in mind an only fans girl can make 10x what that super skilled and rare surgeon makes. Isn’t that crazy. Even if you are an exceptionally skilled human being... 4 4 replies
Being attractive and NEET, realizing people only like me for my looks It doesn’t feel all that good, because I realized how dystopian and hopeless this all feels, it’s a confirmation about life is fucked up, this is my personal experience and proof your genes and family determines the vast majority of your life outcomes/satisfaction. It feels surreal. People see me as an object, it’s like my looks turn on parts of their programming to be madly attracted to me, they don’t even know who I am or care about my feelings, I’m not even a person to them, I might... 4 2 replies
I ended up quitting after two days. I'm sorry everyone. I feel like a fucking failure. I thought I was better than this but clearly I'm too mentally fucked for anything. I am seriously looking back on everything to realize that success for me is all a fucking lie. Truth is, I have been a weirdo all my life, and I've been relentlessly picked on nearly my entire life one way or another, whether its school, a job, or being out in society. No one in my life truly fucking cares about me and it shows.... 2 3 replies
Got a $2000 pc for christmas. All fucking day I play it and see the wagecucks outside this corporate building from dusk to dawn busting their asses and it’s the greatest shit ever I’m in love with every moment of every day 1 10 replies
I became bored, so I created a neetbux on Fusion. lol I became bored, so I created a neetbux on Fusion. lol 3 1 replies
Is this the only way to make a living? I want balance but can’t find it in companies around where I live. Just live to work? I want to work to live. 1 1 replies
Do you help around the house? I do some basic chores regularly like cleaning up my room, doing my laundry, sweeping the floor, etc. I wanna do more like cleaning up the bathroom, doing the dishes, etc. But, my depression prevents me from doing so. Sometimes I feel guilty, because I definitely have the time but not the will, I guess. 3 11 replies
I've been really isolated these past few weeks. It's winter and cold outside. I'm thankful to be warm inside, but the isolation is killing me. When I wake up, I hit my computer for a dopamine hit of gaming, then I eat for 10 minutes in the kitchen eating food my mom cooked. I then take a nap for a few hours, then I hit the game again, gaming until I'm hungry, then the process repeats for lunch/dinner, whatever works if I'm hungry 2 or 3 times a day. It's isolating and frankly I am not bothered... 3 1 replies
What were your 20s like? Isn't this supposed to be the most exciting, eventful time of your life? What am I not getting? 1 13 replies
Got grilled with a bunch of questions about my work and employment status and it's been really bothering me so I need to vent. I was laid off a couple years ago and haven't had stable employment since then. It's been hard. I've been trying my best but sometimes I got depressed. I was suicidal at one point. Nowadays I'm doing better and working hard to get a new job and I'm planning on going back to school as well. But yesterday a couple well meaning people at my church kept trying to talk to me even though I was just sitting alone minding my own business and they asked me like "what... 5 4 replies
Lost track of time again f Been unemployed for a few months now and can't bring myself to apply again, my hair feels smoother, a few gray hairs disappeared and the one winkle i got last year also seem to have disappeared and no more back pain which i had almost daily before. But on the other side without any outside influence or other reasons to leave my appartement more than once a week to get groceries i lose track of time more and more, today was the worst so far, i was convinced it... 1 4 replies
Yap sesh I love not being employed, but the guilt that comes with it might not be worth it. All my friends who were NEETs have been telling me how much better their lives have become since getting jobs or going to school. While I don’t care about these achievements and I genuinely congratulate them, I feel this deep FOMO like I’m missing out on something I don’t even want. I also feel the guilt of still living with my parents. Honestly, if I had a choice, I would unironically live... 5 1 replies
I love being unemployed There, I said it. I love having all this time to myself, getting to do what I want and when I want. If I want to work on some of my hobbies, or go out and socialise, I can do that. Equally, if I want to lie in bed all day, I can do that too. It’s so refreshing being free of the toxic productivity culture we have, that only serves capitalism. Sure, I struggle with my mental health, but thats been the case my whole life. However, being... 3 20 replies
I'm screwed I'm still living in my parents house man, the water faucet got screwed, but I got my own room and a bathroom. Then the faucet got break on its own, I already told the problem before that it was already leaking but they told me it was my room and bathroom I need to fix it up but all my savings was all gone. Now it gave up idk what's going to happen, because all water pipes are connected in just 1house. Damn I will be kicked out I... 3 1 replies
Failing college... help Recently re-enrolled to college (September) after dropping out previously in 2022ish , Been missing day after day due to just the anxiety that comes with going in, and kinda scared to fall back into the NEET life again. Just got a call today that my attendance is "worrying" aka they are thinking of taking me off my course. Any tips to manage anxiety due to college? (P.S The work isn't the thing thats bothering me as im top of my class with barely any effort being put in.) 4 2 replies