Community Information
How to file a complaint with the Delhi Police
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Delhi Police (
Step 2: Look for the "Complaints" or "Report a Crime" section.
Step 3: Select the appropriate complaint registration option based on the nature of the complaint (e.g., general complaint, cybercrime, etc.).
Step 4: Fill out the complaint form with accurate details of the incident.
Step 5: Provide any supporting documents or evidence related to the complaint, if available.
Step 6: Submit the complaint form and documents through the online portal.
Step 7: Receive an acknowledgment or reference number.
Step 8: Keep track of the status of your complaint through the provided reference number.
Step 9: If necessary, cooperate with the investigating officer assigned to your case.
Step 10: Follow any further instructions provided by the Delhi Police regarding your complaint.
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