i/Telangana is looking for moderators, please apply here Please reply here explaining any expertise in the category of the group, any past experience you have of moderation on reddit or similar site etc and that you are willing to spend some time to grow the group. 0 replies
ఈ రోజుల్లో ఆన్లైన్లో భారతీయులపై అంత వివక్ష ఎందుకు ఉంది నాకు అర్థం కావడం లేదు? మోడీ జీ నేతృత్వంలో భారతదేశ శక్తి పెరుగుతున్నందున ప్రపంచంలోని అందరూ అసూయపడుతున్నారా? 2 0 replies
Telangana man drowns in Godavari river while taking holy dip on Maha Shivaratri, body traced 500 metres away Telangana man drowns in Godavari river while taking holy dip on Maha Shivaratri, body traced 500 metres away 5 0 replies
3 language policy in education "హిందీ చదివితే ఏమవుతుంది? అదే పాత బస్తీ లో ఉన్న ముస్లింలు ఉర్దూ చదువుతుంటే వాళ్ళను మాత్రం ఏమి అనరు, కానీ హిందీ సబ్జెక్టు బడులల్లో పెడితే దానికి విరుద్ధంగా మాట్లాడుతున్నారేంటి." గత కొన్నాళ్లుగా ఈ వాదన ఇంటర్నెట్ లో పెద్ద ఎత్తున వినికిడి లో ఉంది. ఇదంతా ఒక రాజకీయ పార్టీ కి ఒత్తాసు పలికే వారి నుంచి వస్తుంది అని చెప్పనక్కర్లేదు...ఉర్దూ మాట్లాడే ముస్లింలకు తెలుగు కన్నా హిందీ ఎంతో దగ్గరైన, తేలికైన భాష...హిందీ రుద్దడంతో వాళ్లకు ఇబ్బంది పెద్దగా ఉండదు, ఇబ్బందంతా తెలుగు మాట్లాడే హిందువులకే ఉంటుంది అనేది వీళ్ళు గమనించ లేకపోతున్నారు. 2 0 replies
The film "Jamba Lakidi Pamba" contains one of the most enjoyable Telugu lessons The film "Jamba Lakidi Pamba" contains one of the most enjoyable Telugu lessons 3 0 replies
ANY RESCUER OR NGO FROM HYD PLEASE REPLY https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGiAMchtpIV/?igsh please help i’m not from hyd (i’m in delhi) so i can’t help or do anything the condition of this dog is very critical Jadcherla Railway station platform 1 Mahboobnagar city... 1 1 replies
Telugu will be compulsory for 9th and 10th grades in all State Board, CBSE, ICSE, IB, and other affiliated schools starting from the next academic year. Telugu will be compulsory for 9th and 10th grades in all State Board, CBSE, ICSE, IB, and other affiliated schools starting from the next academic year. 4 0 replies
Photos photos If only i had a rupee for every politician picture in office i would be a Billionaire in $$$$ 2 0 replies
This whole village plays Chess! | How Team Chess Network is changing Dandepally This whole village plays Chess! | How Team Chess Network is changing Dandepally 5 0 replies
8% of Telangana's forests are covered by invasive species, left unchecked many native species may disappear. 8% of Telangana's forests are covered by invasive species, left unchecked many native species may disappear. 3 1 replies
How Trump’s Policies Shut Down India's First Transgender Clinic in Hyderabad How Trump’s Policies Shut Down India's First Transgender Clinic in Hyderabad 3 1 replies
Watch this in entirety and share it. He talked about how our External Affairs maintaining all their affaires without them getting out. How he was being harassed but so many officials, and provided documents in the description. 3 0 replies
Why don't Telangana BJP give equal importance to Kakatiya Rulers same as Chatrapati Shivaji? Considering their ideology I don't mind then celebrating Chatrapati Shivaji but it's disappointing to see them not giving equal importance to Hindu Rulers of their own land. They agitate aggressively if something is said against Shivaji but their reaction to Revanth Reddy's comments on Kakatiya's and proposed removal of Kakatiya Kala Thoranam from state emblem was totally lackluster. Hell even Warangal BJP immediately protests if something is said against Shivaji but were pretty much silent on Kakatiya's issue. The stark contrast in reaction is soo obvious. When I ask... 3 0 replies
Language barrier to access justice / న్యాయ సేవలు అందు కొనుటకు భాష అడ్డు Former SC justice Chandrachud acknowledged the language barrier in the Indian judiciary. https://desikaanoon.in/language-barrier-in-the-indian-judiciary-cji-chandrachud/ There also some cases where lack of inclusive language has led to mis understandings and not being able to put a fair fight for justice. https://www.thehindu.com/features/magazine/lost-in-interpretation/article7018549.ece My questions for the community members 1. Do you know any court cases where jusitice was inaccessible due to language barrier. 2. How can we bring the change for our courts to be more inclusive (I know that only assembly and parliament have the right to amend the constitution to... 5 4 replies