i/Maharashtra is looking for moderators, please apply here Please reply here explaining any expertise in the category of the group, any past experience you have of moderation on reddit or similar site etc and that you are willing to spend some time to grow the group. 0 replies
I'm i right or wrong I’ve been a Maharashtrian since birth, raised by my grandmother, who taught me everything—how to speak, respect others, and communicate properly. As a child, I struggled to write Marathi, so for my birthday, she gifted me Unclepi (a small Marathi learning book) and taught me day and night. She believed that since we live in Maharashtra, language shouldn’t be a barrier. She used to drop me at school, where our rickshaw driver spoke broken Marathi. Still, she patiently taught him a few words while conversing in Hindi, encouraging him... 2 0 replies
Fight Mughlas in theatre, Fight Kannadigas and North Indians in real life. https://preview.redd.it/qb046wrjkrle1.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=961d9893b8ecc80137db775f5ad2b4f9e56488f4 3 0 replies
Maharashtrian शब्दावर आपले विचार? ऐकल्यावर माजी तर तळ पायाची आग मस्तकात जाते. महाराष्ट्रीय हा शब्द जरा योग्य वाटतो. 5 0 replies
South Korean HS Hyosung Company invests Rs 1740 crore in Nagpur South Korean HS Hyosung Company invests Rs 1740 crore in Nagpur 4 2 replies
Why tf you have to blame the victim??? I always knew my mom wasn’t the best mother, but today I realized she might not be a good person either. All colony Walya kaku (my mom was there too) were discussing the Swargate rape case, and they straight-up blamed the victim. “Itkya sakali ti tithe gelich ka? 95% chuk tichich hoti.” Seriously?! WTF?! How do people still not get that rape is always the rapist’s fault…no exceptions, no excuses? Bai kuthe lavkr (it wasn’t even that early) geli tr tichi chuk ahe?? And the worst part? So many... 3 0 replies
Probable Increase in Loksabha seats after 2026 Delimitation. Probable Increase in Loksabha seats after 2026 Delimitation. 3 0 replies
नमस्कार मित्रांनो, नमस्कार मित्रांनो, मी समर्थ आहे. मी १९ वर्षांचा आहे आणि मुलुंड, मुंबईचा आहे. खरं तर मी सध्या एक केशभूषाकार आहे प्रशिक्षण घेत आहे. आणि मी प्रशिक्षणार्थी म्हणून मोफत हेअरकट देतो. त्यामुळे तुम्हाला स्वारस्य असल्यास कृपया मला DM करा किंवा एक टिप्पणी जोडा. माझी काही कामेही मी तुमच्यासोबत शेअर करेन. आणि मला खरोखर एप्रिल महिन्यापर्यंत 15 मेकओव्हर्स पूर्ण करायचे आहेत (मला एक टार्गेट देण्यात आले आहे). धन्यवाद. 4 5 replies
How was the life of common people in Maharashtra during british era ? I had this discussion once with my grandfather , and he said that pre independence and post independence things were not very different till late 80s when sugarcane mills emerged especially in our region ( western maharashtra ) . Society mostly functioned on rural basis ( kind of symbiotic with everyone has defined work , obviously based on castes at that time ) . Most people still believed in kings autonomy especially in princely states . Casteism was still a thing . Also he says that british made education... 5 0 replies
Non-political post. Marathi lok purna jagat settled ahet. Always wondered how many people on this sub are NRIs. Let me know in the comments. I'll start with myself. Please attach a picture if you are travelling even if that's in India. I am currently in Ireland for studies. And we have a proud vibrant marathi community here. 3 0 replies
‘एमपीएससी’च्या दिरंगाईचा राज्यसेवेच्या शेकडो उमेदवारांना फटका! ‘एमपीएससी’च्या दिरंगाईचा राज्यसेवेच्या शेकडो उमेदवारांना फटका! 3 2 replies
आडमार्गाने शाळा बंद करण्याचा घाट; कमी पटसंख्या असल्यास शिक्षक नामंजूर? आडमार्गाने शाळा बंद करण्याचा घाट; कमी पटसंख्या असल्यास शिक्षक नामंजूर? 2 2 replies
उदंड झाले रिकामचोट गेल्या २-३ आठवड्यापासून बघतोय. एकही productive post नाही ह्या सब वर. नुसतं शिवाजी, संभाजी, ब्राम्हण, मराठा, अटकेपार झेंडे, मराठा साम्राज्य वगैरे आचरटपणा चालला आहे. अरे पूर्वजांच्या पुण्याईवर किती दिवस जगणार आहात? स्वतः काही करणार कि नाही? मला तर असं वाटत आहे कि ही आत्ताची तरुण पिढी सर्वांत रिकामचोट आहे. आई बापानी कष्ट करून ह्यांना शिकवलं केलं पण हे रिकामे, काम धंदे न करता जुने विषय चघळत बसले आहेत. महाराजांचा आदर्श बाळगा पण त्यांच्यासारखे कर्तृत्व करून दाखवा. काम धंद्याला लागा. 3 22 replies