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Toxic Parents
Iam 26M, living with parents and doing decent enough financially. But I have always been always tortured mentally through words by both my parents and my guardian right from my childhood. I was away from my parents till my 12th with my guardians ( maternals). They were awful to me.. Cried many times due to physical trauma and even once my teacher asked me how could your guardians hurt you? Doesn't your mother say something? (by seeing my burn marks on my lips and chin). I was always brought up in seclution..never went out with frnds etc... After I joined college i came to stay with my parents. Omg this new person in their personal space was so much for three of them. They made my life helll. Just by words and words. Please in india we say maa maa... Dont ask how my maa is. I was more of a feminine guy.. my mother and father and my younger brother called me hijada and made fun of my walking and talking many times. This has made me cry. Irrespective of my sexuallity. I have started ignoring them. Just today. I was sick and I kinda took nebulizer. I know the dosgae and their were 4 already nebulizer solution.. i used 3 and my mother comes and scolds and tells me that I will spend all that in one day (in a bad tone) . Madam Iam 😫 sick have mercy. Cant wait to move out soon.4
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