The song Chhi Chhi Re Nani Chhi was performed on a Tamil music show. It’s truly unbelievable how quickly a tribal folk song from Odisha has gained such popularity. 3 0 replies
बीजेपी 🪷 के धाकड़ धामी की मौजूदगी मे उनकी कैबिनट द्वारा मंजूर किया गया स्वघोषित सख्त भू-कानून एक लाइन में कहा जा सकता है - "खोदा पहाड़, निकली चुहिया।" 5 2 replies
Guys today i saw this bike for the first time in person and my eyes were brawling all over it and especially it's golden forks 3 11 replies
51 year old Sachin still making people's jaw drop with his classical elegant strokeplay. 4 12 replies
Maturity is realising that not shaming people for their clothing choices is actually the classiest of all- in frame: alfiya 5 29 replies