How do you, as a right wingers, feel about the fact that Bhagat Singh was a socialist?
I have seen Bhagat Singh being celebrated by staunch Right wingers. But Bhagat Singh was a hardcore socialist, as very clear from his writings, and as far as I understand Right wing, you guys hate ...
This is how Ambulance is treated in Dhanbad
People are not even bothered to care about someone's life or death situation leave other traffic rules and regulations. It's our duty to give way to an Ambulance !!!
Understanding Sindoor and Teej Traditions in Mithila Culture
I am a Kayastha, and I plan to marry into a Mithila Brahmin family. I have a couple of cultural questions: 1. Is it acceptable in Mithila culture to apply sindoor in a straight line from the nos...
Feeling a lot of boredom at home. No work to do. Please suggest me something to kill the boredom. I will be grateful to you.
Tf is that handle position ???
Tf is that handle position ???
Guess Where?
Merry Christmas to whoever is celebrating 🎄
Can I start Trading?
Hi! Really need your guide and insights. Im doing job right now 9 to 6 pm. And have some other income sources. So I can invest 5k- 10k inr per month. I also do sip in mutual funds. But right now I'...
How Does the Media Create Fake News?"
For context, Chess World Championship chairs are chosen by players for maximum comfort during long matches, not as a symbol of power—why do people overcomplicate it? Or at least research the topic...
Anyone interested in Trip ?
Hi , I'm going to Chandrashila Trek on 10 January'. I'm going solo as of now , but if anyone wanna join , that'd be really good ! Departure 10 Jan night from Botanical Arrival 14 Jan Early morni...
Book in Chennai
Hi anyone have german Netzwerk Neu A2 level book? Please reach out to me. It will be really helpful. Thanks.நன்றி.
Wish List
Wish List
A *slightly* embarrassing flight encounter
Ok, prefacing this with the fact that this is a weird and a rather *immature* situation to be in (and I'm not sure what the average age of this sub is). So I took a flight from Bangalore to Chand...
Who is this for you? | Breaking Up with Beloved YouTube Channels
Who is this for you? | Breaking Up with Beloved YouTube Channels
Chali chali ga vundi friends
Chali chali ga vundi friends
Booking at Chandra Imperial on 26th December (tomorrow)
Hi everyone, I had booked a room at Chandra Imperial Hotel (near Polo Ground, Airforce Area) for the night of 26th December to 27th December. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am no longer able t...
Some of the gins that I tried for the first time in Goa
Some of the gins that I tried for the first time in Goa
Is the person beside sahil his father
Sahil is manasi's husband. Was just curious
4 Golden Safery Rules for [Indian] Highways
1. If no vehicle is tailgating you, you are safe, so keep watching mirror. 2. If any vehicle is tailgating you, get rid of it ASAP by letting it overtake. 3. Do not get into a situation where any v...
New fudda - Pratiksha posted this on her instagram story
New fudda - Pratiksha posted this on her instagram story
Karnataka To Get 2 Greenfield Highways: Hassan-Hiriyuru And Pune-Bengaluru Expressways On The Cards - Oneindia News
Karnataka To Get 2 Greenfield Highways: Hassan-Hiriyuru And Pune-Bengaluru Expressways On The Cards - Oneindia News
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