Why some people like Andrew Tate they follow him I am seeing many young guys like him for no reason
They are kids and teenagers .
Besides have you heard the phrase "Angoor Nahi mile toh khatte" ? That's the reason these kids hate and insult women and like anyone else who does it too. Because they can't get women and don't understand them.
Andrew Tate is a deranged businessman, he used to run the adult phone business, and web cam girls. Basically he was an online pimp.
He has identified that these young boys think heroes and cool people in the movies smoke cigars, drive fast cars and say things with emphasis. And he tells them that he is going to help them get rich, and be successful and be attractive. That's how he has captured his targets and they fall for his crypto and educational course scams. -
Trump Approves $397 Million for Pakistan's F-16 Jets
Classic USA move lmao stabbed all their allies in the back and managed to piss off the entire allaiance and now even India , good luck USA to deal with china and russia alone lol . I knew this would eventually happen thats why India never buys american jets . Just a few weeks before the F-35 was offered and now upgrades the pakistani jets lol . We should biy the su-57 from someone that can atleast not stab us in the back after 5 mins. -
Champions Trophy in Pakistan was a disaster. It only hurt ODI cricket’s popularity. Pakistan’s early exit meant near empty stands for the rest. Just 15 matches, 10 in Pakistan, and 2 already washed out. Poor crowds, poor stadiums, poor facilities. ICC, why did you even give them hosting rights?
I think the hosting rights should have stayed in England, almost every game in 2013 and 2017 was sold out, there's clearly a culture in that region for buying tickets for "neutral" games on top of huge local support for the Asian teams.
The Champions Trophy was created specifically for profit, you're going to do that hosting in areas where neutral games are empty.
And before anyone disputes this, I went to 11 games across those two tournaments, 6 were India matches, 5 were neutral, almost every single one was sold out, the only one that wasn't sold out was the 2013 semi-final in Cardiff which had a patchy attendance.
Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with the Pakistani stadiums. -
Itna Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai Didibhai nahi karta har episode ma to sayad show offair nahi hota 😭 -
Need Genuine help in physics!!!(will be thankful if u can upvote for reach)
I believe you are kinda formula oriented in physics?
I'll personally advice you to read these chapters through some textbooks since they help in understanding what is actually happening and increases your thinking capacity.
You can refer : HCV + NCERT (ATLEAST HCV ) since not a lot of time is present to read other deep conceptual books like Physics Galaxy or Resnick Halliday Walker... -
So many eagles!!!
Even the eagle knows rich people throw out more food. -
Champions Trophy in Pakistan was a disaster. It only hurt ODI cricket’s popularity. Pakistan’s early exit meant near empty stands for the rest. Just 15 matches, 10 in Pakistan, and 2 already washed out. Poor crowds, poor stadiums, poor facilities. ICC, why did you even give them hosting rights?
I don't think the stands have been empty Eng v Aus, Eng v Afghanisthan had great crowds, SA v Afghanistan, Nz v Bangladesh had good crowds.
And games being washed it's unfortunate yes but I don't think anybody can control the weather tbh, I mean we have seen how games have been affected in England as well in ICC trophies because of rain.
I think Pakistan has done a decent job hosting the tournament it's just disappointing for the home crowd that their team was just bad and couldn't compete with top teams. -
Need advice
cant you get a t4 for like 1.8? -
Any Tamil / Chennai peeps in Jaipur?
Jaipur is close to MP and Delhi -
Bhai ajao
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸੁਖ 🙏❤️👌⚔️ -
What does this mean exactly? Has anyone ever experienced it in real life?
I'm gonna say this is 100 percent false because it makes no sense - since jnana can negate even good karma (see: Tulsidas talking about Janaka) -
उदंड झाले रिकामचोट
गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून हे पोस्ट पाहत असताना मला सुद्धा हेच वाटत होतं की आपल्या राज्यात गरीबी, शेतकरी आत्महत्या, जातीवाद, अस्वच्छता, पाणी पुरवठा, असमानता, अविकास, भ्रष्टाचार, असाक्षरता, महिला सुरक्षा, प्रदूषण, महागाई, traffic व इत्यादी समस्या सोडवली गेली आहेत.
स्वतःच्या आई बापाला उद्या काही झालं, तर उपचारासाठी ह्या लोकांची इतकी ऐपत नसेल की कुठल्याही चांगल्या private रुग्णालयात नेतील, बसतील मग सरकारी रुग्णालयात रांगा लावत. असे आहेत आपले हे modern धर्मरक्षक. ज्या दादा, आप्पा, साहेब च्या नावाखाली हे brainwashed झालेले आहेत, ते ह्यांना काम नसताना ढुंगण सुद्धा दाखवणार नाही. जर तुम्ही नागरिक शास्त्र किंवा इतिहासाचे विद्यार्थी आहात तर करा संशोधन ह्या गोष्टींवर. पण 2nd year diploma करणारा मुलगा आज हे google search करतोय की 400 वर्ष पूर्वी औरंगजेब कुठे आपली घालत होता.
आज कोणीतरी एक sensible पोस्ट केली. फार आनंद झाला. काही करायचच असेल तर आधी इतके मोठे व्हा की स्वतःच्या आई बापासाठी कमीत कमी 15 लाखाची mediclaim policy काढा. तोपर्यंत इतिहास वाचवायला आपल्याकडे शूरवीर अंड्या, पक्या आणि गण्यांची कमी नाही. -
Do you know about ccsu meerut
I may be able to help. -
Hindi imposition solution?
It would be better to post this on r/PahadiTalks -
highest individual scores in ODIs by each full-member team.
Who is that charles?
Which country is he from? -
So many eagles!!!
Why do those high-rise apartments look so unkempt and dilapidated. Zero aesthetic value. Looks like some 2 floor kholi forcefully turned into a 20 floor building by doraemon's big-light.
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