Japanese people standing on one side of the escalator, so people in a rush could walk on the other side. Can Delhi do this? 4 0 replies
म्हसोबाची यात्रा, महादेवाचे पाचवे अवतार... मान्यता आहे की छोट्या बाळांना या कृत्याने आशीर्वाद मिळतो 4 24 replies
Islamist gang of Beawar exploiting minor girls: Ex-councilor Hakim Qureshi arrested over his connection with the gang that raped girls and forced them to convert 3 2 replies
The Japanese 🇯🇵 version of #Shiv ji. In Japan Shiv ji is called Daikukoten. Har Har Mahadev‼️#MahaShivratri 3 3 replies