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On roads and highways leading up to the temples.
Far off distant Religious places evoke certain emotions within us and appeal to us spiritually more than places that are close by or overcrowded. The peaceful atmosphere, serene location, earthly construction and pure air play a role in making us feel a connection with nature and the 'creator'. The difficulties faced while on a difficult track to meet a deity make the darshan feel all the more fulfilling and sweet. When you commercialize a religious place, you take away this important aspect of any religious pilgrimage. Wide roads right up to the temple with unorganized shops on both sides and wenders shouting day and night take away the peace and tranquillity of that place. The places are so crowded that you don't even get the time to absorb it completely so the only respite is to make a few reels, and take a few photographs outside so you at least have something to look back to. The whole pilgrimage ends up feeling very formal instead of something personal. Like everything else, anything that can be accomplished easily loses its value. Similarly, a pilgrimage where you can drive right up to the door of the god without any suffering, will not feel as gratifying as it was meant to be. So, instead of evoking spirituality in people and making them more cultured, it will have the opposite detrimental effect. There was a reason important temples were built in remote far off locations. Would like to end with a Dostoevsky quote. "There is no happiness in comfort. Happiness comes from suffering."5
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