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Depending on your package manager/distro change the (pacman) its only the first 3 commands that you need to change to your package manager. rest is universal for all linux distros. everytime there is a space run the command. type these commands in order to your terminal: sudo pacman -S wine sudo pacman -S wine-mono wine-gecko sudo pacman -S winetricks winetricks dotnet48 winetricks vcrun2019 winetricks d3dx9 (so above are the dependencies allowing ATAS to work in wine.) run in terminal: mkdir -p \~/wineprefixes/atas run in terminal: WINEARCH=win32 export WINEPREFIX=\~/wineprefixes/atas (this creates a prefix Without a custom prefix, ATAS would install directly into Wine’s default (\~/.wine), which could cause compatibility problems with other applications. so do those two commands above) put to win 10 (optional) if you want (i just left it on win 7 it works.) run in terminal(optional) : winecfg go inside the downloads folder were you have installed the actual file off there website []( then run/type in the terminal: wine ATASPlatform.exe (this is the installer that actaully install ATAS into wine) now after you have installed it should be successful login and try going into the program the screen will flicker and be black give it like 30 seconds to 2minutes now run the program login to your server make sure its working then close it save the workspace. now check the path run this in your terminal and it should then again just load up the program straight away at the login screen not needing to reinstall the installer. check dir path: wine \~/.wine/drive\_c/Program\\ Files\\ (x86)/ATAS\\ Platform/OFT.Platform.exe it should launch and work. up to date as well it works now, change the update version to stable, it will install/download it again so don't stress if you start seing it install. then just follow the bash script to get atas as a shortcut. this next part is to create a shortcut to run ATAS if you want to use nano copy this into chat gpt and ask it to help you create a bash script for atas to run in your terminal by just typing atas. below to get atas working in the terminal. Open your shell configuration file (.bashrc, .zshrc, or .profile depending on what shell you use). For example, with Bash: nvim \~/.bashrc Add the following line at the end of the file: export PATH=$PATH:\~/ Save and exit Neovim (:wq). Reload the shell configuration: source \~/.bashrc Run the Program: Now, you can run OFT.Platform.exe directly by typing run\ in the terminal. run\ This command will execute the Wine command and launch OFT.Platform.exe directly from the terminal. If you want it as a command, you can also follow these steps: Create a better shortcut/ script: sudo ln -s \~/run\ /usr/local/bin/atas Now you can run ATAS directly with the command: atas Summary: You've created a shell script to run OFT.Platform.exe with Wine. The script is now executable and can be run from anywhere in your terminal. You can also create a shortcut command like atas if you prefer. If update rollback / failing to update running sudo commands wont help you you have to make sure the dependencies above are working with it without those exact dependencies it will not work. if your struggling type these commands into chatgpt it will convert things such as nvim to nano and the package manager commands4
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