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Vote for 2026 Elections
Who are you going to vote for and why? Lemme tell few pointers on major parties 1: DMK - Anna university issue, Ponmudi treating people cheap(OC BUS), Stalins 0 knowledge, Police atrocities, Special force for grandmas. I can't even bear the people in administration who say they want Inbanidhi to be CM. 2: ADMK - Just their faces itself makes me angry. The amount of commission and corruption they had. But DMK is unmatched in this. Pollachi issue etc. They are just a same coin of DMK only a bit lesser evil compared to DMK. 3: BJP - Already TN is drunken in Caste issue thanks to Dravidian parties. Don't wanna add kerosene like Religious issue in our state. Might be a strong opposing force but BJP = DMK in every thought. 4: TVK - Vijay doesn't have any knowledge. He is just speaking the script from analysts. Which would mean that if he becomes CM. The ones advising Vijay would either take TN to top or sell out our state. Its dangerous to have someone like this(Take Zelensky for example). Although I can appreciate vijay for going in the right steps. Maybe he might learn enough during this period. 5: NTK - The only party which has its mistakes and differences but prove they are about equality. 50-50 women:men contestant, Seeman has quite the knowledge of politics. Although DMK media has trolled/clownified a lot of clips without context, he is present in every protest, Helps places which was met with disasters via food, Monetary help(which is not even shown in any media). Only tamil ethnicity can rule while others(of any language can live). I kind of support this idea actually. The periyar issue is only amplified by DMK and Seeman is just using it to his advantage. He doesn't get any publicity if not for these issues. So I think NTK would be a better choice.1
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