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Advice about webp images - do I change all images to webp for better page performance?
I run a website that offers a service to customers but we also have a blog with almost 100 articles, each of which has quite a few images. We were using either jpg or png as the image formats, but realised that it may be slowing down page loading for mobile users. I took one of our blog articles and converted the images to webp, and looks like it changed the pagespeed insights performance score from about 75 to 81. Is that a big difference, or just slight? I don't have much knowledge about webp -- will this affect the loading time/SEO of the pages at all? Should I spend the time converting all images to webp, or should I just use webp from now on? Or does it even really matter? Please don't tell me to google it - I know webp is better overall but looking to get advice, as I'll be doing a year-end review of our site and performance. If it's such a big deal, I'll take the time to change all the image formats.1
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