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This is not just about RAJASTHAN but the whole INDIA
I am really thankful if you are taking out time to read the whole post and if not stay happy in your delusional world . So , being a teenagers we all are familiar of internet and have got majority of our exposure to foreign world by this means . As a hardcore nationalist and patriot my love for this country has no bounds . But this love is constantly challenged by these politicians . Every single day , whenever i turn on any news channel these is just 2 things i see , either HINDU - MUSLIM or ANOTHER MANDIR UNDER MASJID or POLITICIANS ANNOUNCING SOME MORE MESSED UP SCHEMES TO SUCK THE TAXPAYERS . Today i saw a politician going from village to village in search of temple ruins and re-inaugurating them . Then some political party ( let's not name it ) , going from house to house to give free food and ration to poor families . Knowing that a majority of my country's population suffer from poverty . My country is over-populated as hell . Youth can't find jobs . In all these situations the main issue for us is some old temple , and distributing every hardworking citizen's money on their vote bank . Come on guys , put a end to it . These is no muslim in danger , there's no hindu in danger , the only entity in danger right now is our future generations . Do you really want that your sister or mother is rap\*d my someone and u don't get justice , do you really want your brother/son committing suicide cause of fake cases and poor judiciary ? , do you really want someone threatening your life if you go against some politician ? My father works in a really powerful government organization . When my father saw these freebie news he told me that one day checking the records of different states he found out that majority of states are out of funds cause of these freebies and subsidies and also told me about so many frauds , like the huge pile of trash in delhi , could have been removed from there but the money for a waste treatment plant was ingulfed my some corrupt middleman and politicians . Let's not forget that at this point no one in our country cares about basic human rights , right to clean air ? right to free speech ? We do use social media for free speech and making memes to deliver the message , but he thing is that the meme culture has turned a joke . Like the high taxes thing . People did revolted , but how ? Making the "who is the nirmala you are paying 30% our your salary to?" memes . Please i request you all to get out of your comfort zones and do something , as little as a reddit or insta post as i did . And request others to also talk about it . "GIVE THEM BREAD AND CIRCUS AND THEY WILL NEVER REVOLT" -- a quote from the Roman poet Juvenal. The bread ( free ration ) and the circus ( jio and cheap internet ) . NOW THE CHOICE IS YOURS , KEEP SLEEPING OR TALKE STEPS FOR THIS NATION1
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