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Roommate is a fckin headache
So I live in roommate is 3rd year engineering student amd he's a fckin headache like beyond tolerable, he's a topper of his branch gets good grade and all that's good but other than that he's a complete a$$hole like he'll come up to me and start blabbering about the most random bullsh*t. At first I used to act as if I'm interested in the conversation but then listening to his opinions about stuff and the weird things he used to say I would just lose it. You know when you get to know if the person is interest in talking to you or not with their body language and responses right..this mf just doesn't get the hints at the slightest..this one time I was completely in my own chaos I just wanted to be left in peace..this idiot comes up to me and randomly asks me if I've had sex or not without any context then another time he start boasting about how he dominates his gf and hits her when he's not in a good mood and abuses her , it was still okay atp but then one day he came up to me in his underwear, scratching his groins and starts telling me that he's got infection down their. I was like why the actual fck are you even telling me this..we dont even discuss these type of things with other we just deal it ourselves and still I was patient maybe he just tried to socialize with a very nasty point but then he's scratching his groin in front of me and after sometime he makes a joke that's wasn't even worthy of being called a joke and then proceed to ask for a high five with the same hand he was scratching his groin that's apparently got infection. I was like bruh you're a fckin 3rd year student a grown ass man , do you not know anything about basic hygiene or manners ??? Then comes his sleeping habits..this mf sleeps around 2 or 2.30 and sets an alarm for 4 in the morning which he never once wakes up to...that alarm does nothing but wake me up from my good sleep for good 2 hours..I tried telling him about this and he just laughs it off saying "agar mai 4 baje ka alarm lagau tab jaake I'll wake up around 8, otherwise agar mai late utha toh I'll get guilt trip"...then he always boasts about how he's got political connections and how aggressive and hot headed he is and his uncle is a lawyer...when someone tells you this once it's alright but he does it multiple times so I understood his intent behind that being to keep other under fear that to not mess with him..he doesn't even have the basic sense that you don't pee on the toilet Seat..I don't wanna move again cuz I recently shifted to this room but I'm just fed up of this asshole2
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