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Harrassed by Mr. DIY staff at SGS Mall
Good Evening Punekars, So this afternoon I was on an outing to SGS Mall, where I decided to casually browse the Mr. DIY store. I was going through the tools section looking for a generic pair of pliers for home. The first hanging piece had a broken packaging and when I turned to remove it off the shelf and get a better piece, the first piece fell out of the packaging. My daughter was continuously clinging to me to move to the toys section, so in the midst of calming her down and also being on a call with my wife, I mistakenly put the plier with the broken packaging in my pocket, taking it away from my daughter who was playing with it and could have hurt herself or damaged it. Soon after, my wife arrived and I was heading out the store with my daughter when the staff stopped me saying he had seen me pocket the item. I realised what had happened so I just handed it to him and thought nothing of it. I explained how the package was broken already and how it was just a misunderstanding. However, the man began publically accusing me of thievery and pickpocketing. I tried explaining how it was all a misunderstanding. The manager arrived and asked me to come to the inside room, where the entire staff swarmed me and began throwing insults and calling me a thief, saying they wanted to check me, for which I'd have to take off my t-shirt, belt and jeans. I blatantly refused saying that I hadn't done anything, and even the packing was broken in the first place. Mind you, all of this was happening in front of my daughter. I tried to de-escalate the situation and told them to just check the CCTV footage. **Conveniently they didn't have a CCTV camera pointing down that aisle** A staff member retrieved the torn packaging and now they further began harrassing me, now suddenly claiming he'd seen me tear open the packaging. *I'm a retd. army officer who has just left service after 10 years and am still serving with the territorial army.* I tried explaining, but the insulting continued, now with them saying 'Fauji bhi ab chor baithe hain'. Then they started saying that I'll be required to pay ten times the amount or they'll call the police who would 'Dande se sach nikalwa denge'. There's a limit to how much bullshit a person can handle. I felt humiliated with this happening in front of my daughter, so I told them to let my daughter out of the dingy room and called for my wife to come and take her out. They had the audacity of telling me that they needed to frisk my 6-year old daughter because 'her father was doing din dahade chori'. Slowly their demands kept going down, saying ki company ke according it's 10x the price, but we'll take 5x from you, then they came down to 3x, and then twice the amount. I realised that these guys had done some ghaple-baazi on their side earlier and they were just trying to scapegoat me and get the money, saying they'll give me a regular bill for three of the same items. I would have nothing of it, so I threatened to call the police, but judging by the fact that they were so deeply enthusiastic about the whole affair, I decided to instead seem help from someone in the army. I called my coursemate posted in Pune, explained the whole affair and told him to send an offr with QRT at the earliest. This caught them by absolute shock, and now they suddenly conceded, saying nothing will happen, no one will call the police, just pay for the broken packaging amount and leave, we won't accuse you of shoplifting, etc. etc. Then began the sob story of how the company was going to dock the amount from their salaries. What do I do about it? If there was problem there is a less harassing way of going about things. At this point, I'd had enough and honestly, had my daughter not been there a small part of me was prepared to call the cops and the QRT and go to the bitter end with these idiots. They refused to let me out of the back room without paying the damaged item amount. Frustrated and agonized, especially since the creeps had wanted to frisk my daughter (no female staffer present, and even if there was, why would I let them randomly run their dirty fingers on my daughter?), I paid the 2200 bucks or so, for which they produced a bill which basically said I'd bought two items and left. No apology, absolutely nothing from their side. I've written scathing mails to every email of theirs I could find on the internet, and am thinking of lodging a complaint with the police. It's my word against theirs.2
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