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Never stop learning..
I have observed that we in Northeast India overall lack knowledge about the latest trends, especially in tech. The schools and colleges teach us stuff that is irrelevant. As an avid tech and trend follower since many decades, I feel there's so much to learn and that it is absolutely not hard to make a lot of money in life as long as dedicate hard work towards this goal along with being in the right place at the right time. So here's my two bit for anyone interested. First, never stop learning. The internet is filled with knowledge and apps that can help us. It's get rich or die hard trying for me. And anyone who thinks the same: Now if you are starting a business, especially anything with a website or e-commerse or online, get your SEO in order. Lots of guides on SEO online and the more you consume the latest trends the more you can stand out from competitors. SEO combined with PR and online marketing (Google Search ads, FB ads, Insta ads) can make your business standout. They dont cost much and help in reaching out to potential customers. The learning curve is huge so never stop. On page SEO is super important and so make sure you know what are the things you can do to your website to make it stand out in Google search. Other part of SEO which is off page is not in control with you. So reach out to journalists (find their email) and email them about what you are doing and ask them politely to write about you whenever something similar comes up. You can search for articles about your business and accordingly find journalists who write about the same kind of stuff. Journalists are always on the look out for stories and inputs. Be that input. Keep trying and trying. Aim is to get featured in other websites and media outlets. So for any business, I suggest - SEO, online ads, PR (journalists) and Never Stop Hustling Use tools. For example, is a website where everyday new helpful stuff about tech gets launched. Keep in trend. Second great opportunity of our lifetime is crypto. If you are young or even your middle age, start learning about it. Learn how to code blockchain. Explore blockchain and go as deep into it as you can. Blockchain is the opportunity of a lifetime and for anyone with a knack for computers and coding, don't miss out on it. If you can't code, then find jobs in crypto where tokens are looking for community managers or website builders. Or just handout in their Telegram and Discord groups. If you can spend 2-3 years and expand your knowledge on crypto, trust me there is no other industry in our times which can make you as rich and successful as crypto. Just never stop learning guys and never stop hustling. In crypto, we call it the trenches and there are folks who spend 20 hours a day in the trenches so that they can change their fortune. It might take a year or even five years but as long as you are exploring latest trends in blockchain and ecommerse, I am sure one day you will make your own million. No school or college is going to teach you this. But you have the internet!4
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