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‼️⚠️Warning Do Not Shift To Paras Tierea (Harassed By Guards)⚠️‼️
I wish I knew what I knew about how trash Paras is before shifting here. I was pressed on time and could not properly house hunt when I shifted to Noida. I joined the reddit after moving in and saw all of the horrible things and can 100% confirm that it is even worse than what they say. Old buildings, elevators from ancient times, it is immoral to be a bachelor and worst of all the guards. This incident happened to me recently as I was shifting out of my flat. Till this time during our entire 11 month stay we had caused zero problems and never had a single complaint brought to our attention. Even things which should be alright in my opinion but were considered “not allowed for bachelors” (smoking, drinking, having girls over, having parties with friends, etc) we had not done even once. The neighbours had never complained about us either. We always just kept to ourselves. We were also very friendly with the security guards and always greeted them. Rent was also paid without any issue and the owner was happy with us. As the lease was getting over my roommate and I had decided not to continue staying in the flat. He informed the owner and we starting making arrangements to clear out of the flat (my roommate was mostly the one that spoke to the owner I wasn’t really in contact with him). Our rental lease was till the middle of the month, however my roommate and the owner had spoke and pushed the rental period till the end of the month for my roommate as we had informed him late that we would not be continuing the lease (it was extended only for my roommate as I had decided beforehand that I would be shifting out before the original end date of the lease). At the time my roommate was not at the flat, he was at his parent’s town. I had decided to shift out right before our original lease (middle of the month) was getting over, and my roommate said that he would come later and shift out of the flat entirely and take care of all the formalities for both of us. Around a week before my shifting out date I had booked post for a large suitcase. The postal guy came took the suitcase and left. At the same time one of my friends came to my flat to take some of his things that he had left over. 5 minutes later the day guard stormed into my flat shouting about something. I couldn’t understand him initially because he wouldn’t stop shouting and wouldn’t calm down. He then started shouting “Aise nahi kar sakte flat ko aise chod ke nahi jaa sakte”. We finally got him to calm down a little and my friend took the guard around the flat and showed that the flat was not empty and that a lot of our things were still there (I still had zero context I had no clue why he was doing this). Then the guard finally calmed down and took me downstairs and I started understanding what was happening. Apparently the guard thought that I was running away in the middle of my lease without informing anyone and that my friend had come to help me run away. I told him no multiple times and got my roommate to speak to him on the phone. The guard told me that I needed to complete some formalities and get some “parchi” from the facility office. My roommate and I explained the situation and told him that my roommate would come after a few days and take care of all the formalities and then finally shift out. Finally the guard got some faith that I was not escaping and asked to speak with the owner. I called the owner a few times and my roommate called too but it was not reachable. The guard had the owners number too and I told him that he could call the owner as well but the guard refused and said that we must call from my phone. The owner’s number was still not reachable so the guard told me no problem just try to call and get him to speak with me. I said alright and that was it. Next few days passed on and I was just living life and clearing out my room. One day guard asked me once to contact the owner when he saw me. I called and again it came as not reachable. By this time the guard was satisfied that I wasn’t trying to run away as I had not run by that time and everything was as I had told him. Fast forward to the day before my flight. I had booked a flight the next day morning and was going to shift out that night and spend the night at the aforementioned friend’s house just to spend some final time with him. I didn’t have many things (just a suitcase, backpack and a few miscellaneous items) as I had already posted most of my things. I then packed up said goodbye to this trash apartment and left downstairs. I booked an auto to my friends home and went downstairs. This time I saw one of the night guards as it was around 9pm. The day guard was usually the same but the night guards changed but there were 2-3 that came often. This particular one (let’s call him Chomu) was one of those guards that came from time to time and I recognized him. He asked me where I was going and I told him the truth because I thought I had nothing to fear, I was shifting out. Worst. Mistake. Ever. I told him the entire roommate situation and that he would come later and khaali the flat and take care of formalities vagerah. He asked to come upstairs to check if the flat still had our things and I obliged. He went around saw that our common things and my roommates things were still there and said ok. We went down and then he just stared at me for a minute as I waited for the auto and then made a call. Chomu then told me that I had to go to gate 2 and get permission from the guards there but I couldn’t take my suitcase and things because otherwise I could run away. I was like ok whatever, slightly annoyed but whatever. I walked to gate 2 and found a few guards and explained the situation, I have flight I spoke with day guard please let me leave. They said no. I had to show them a mail from the owner and only then can I go. I kept on offering them more proof. I tried showing my rental agreement to show that it was getting over, I asked them to speak with the day guards I called my roommate and asked them to speak with him and they just refused. The only way I would be allowed to leave was with an email from the owner. I was like what I have my flight in a few hours let me leave and still, no. I spoke to a bunch of the guards and all of them didn’t care they just said show email from the owner. I was like ok fine whatever I’ll just hope that the owner finally picks up. I tried calling him again but again not reachable. I called my roommate and explained the situation, he tried speaking to the guards but they just said they wanted the owner email so we were like fine whatever it’s just an email let’s try calling him again. We had messaged a few times on whatsapp too but received no replies. This time we called on whatsapp and the first 1-2 times he didn’t pick up but he finally picked up, my roommate spoke with him and he said ok quickly write up an email with all the information and I’ll send it. He said he was in the out of the country for work (we had no clue that he worked abroad, when shifting in we met him at the society and he said he stays in Delhi) which is why his phone was not reachable and that he was very busy with work in meetings and everything. I said ok I wrote the email with whatever information the guards asked me to write and sent it to the owner and he sent the mail. I showed that to the guards and asked ok jaa sakta hu na. Again, nahi. Now apparently they could not verify that this was the owner’s email, this could just be my friend on call and my friends mail. I would have to wait till the morning 10am or whenever the facility office opened, get them to verify it, do all the shifting out paperwork and then I would be allowed to leave. By this point I realised that this could be a large issue so I just wanted to get out as soon as possible and didn’t want to tell them that my flight was in the morning as then they would know that they could keep me there. If my flight was in a few hours I thought that they would just leave me so that I wouldn’t atleast miss my flight. Regardless I would not have had enough time for all this facility office bs anyway my flight time was before the office even opened. I kept telling them that my flight was in a few hours but they didn’t care they said get all the formalities done and then leave. All the formalities were for totally emptying the apartment and we weren’t doing that. Only I was leaving, my roommate would come later and shift out and if they wanted proof they could come check and see all the things in the apartment for proof that I wasn’t running, which 2 guards already checked. Why would we just leave all of our things (cooking and eating utensils, appliances, all of my roommates things - clothes, computer equipment, etc etc). They still didn’t care and said no only when you get permission of the office people we will let you leave (contradicting what they said earlier that if I showed email from owner I could leave). I kept on begging them saying that I would miss my flight I had done nothing wrong this is completely ridiculous and they finally said ok if I speak with the facility office people and they call us and agree then we will let you go. I asked for the office people’s number (which they had with them) but they just refused to give it to me. They said I had to walk all the way back to the apartment find it posted somewhere and call them. I asked a few more times because it’s just a number that I will get anyway but they said no we won’t give. I walked back to the tower to look for it. I explained the situation to Chomu and asked him if he knew anything about the number. He said that he didn’t. I checked the entire notice board multiple times but it wasn’t there. I asked the tower guard again and he said to go check at another tower that it would be posted there. I went there again couldn’t find it, asked the guard there he said no clue again. By this time it was getting late (around 10:30?) and I hadn’t had dinner and did not have much food since lunch at like 1pm. I had some chips started eating them, gave some to Chomu also and explained the situation and asked him for help again. I also told him I thought maybe the gate 2 guards were trying to get me to give them some money. He said he wasn’t sure again but felt bad for me. In the middle he said he had to go to the bathroom and begged me not to run away because he could get fired. I said ok fine I won’t. In the meantime I was looking around for the number on nobrokerhood and seeing if it was there somewhere on my phone. I eventually found the numbers of 2 of the office people somewhere. I called both of them on both normal call and whatsapp, messaged both of them (one of them blocked me after few calls) and it became clear to me that they would not pick up. Chomu came back from bathroom and thanked me for not leaving and being honest. The guards issue was that I was trying to empty the flat (even thought the flat was not getting emptied as my roommate is still staying there and his things are there) so I was like ok fine I’ll leave some of the miscellaneous things too and just take my backpack and suitcase which was very small, around the same size as my backpack. I went up put my things in my room and told my roommate to just courier them later. I went back downstairs and went to take my backpack and suitcase to show Chomu that I would only leave with these 2 things and I also am not emptying the flat. Chomu then said no I can’t allow this I won’t allow you to take your things until the gate 2 guards call and say that I can. I was like wtf these are my things but fine whatever I took a picture of these 2 things and went back to gate 2 to show them. I showed them to gate 2 guards and said bhaiya dekho ye sirf 2 bag leke jaa raha hu baaki saara samaan chod diye I am also not emptying the flat please let me go. The retarded main guard there said no I will not let you go. I was getting extremely frustrated at this point. It was late I was tired hungry had ran around at these guys whim nonstop for past 2+ hours. In fact I am skipping many many details and things they had said to me and times they made me run around. I had made maybe 20 trips from my tower to the gate in total. I kept begging the main guard at gate 2. I told him that their issue was that I was emptying the flat. He said yes. I said ok now even though both me and my roommate were not emptying the flat, I am also now not emptying the flat. I only have these 2 bags that is it. I left the rest of my things, when my roommate comes he will take care of the formalities. I attempted to contact facility office but they are not picking up I showed them chats and call log. We were also not informed of any sort of formalities regarding shifting out of the flat, nor was it posted anywhere or told to us by the owner so how are we supposed to know about this. The only time I was told was by the day guard who said that I did not have to take care of this because he agreed that my roommate will come and do the formalities. Also if I finish off the formalities right now that makes no sense because shouldn’t we do them when we are emptying the flat. My roommate will stay be staying at the flat for the next few weeks. I again showed the picture of my 2 bags said that I also will not be emptying the flat now, do you agree that I am not emptying the flat. He says yes. Then I asked now what is the problem. Bro says “jaane nahi dunga mein”. WHAT?!?! By this time I was proper pissed off I went back to my tower and got on call with my roommate. I went to the tower to get my 2 bags so that I could show the guards that I only have these 2 small bags and that is it. I started to take them told Chomu and started walking. Chomu suddenly got very aggressive and said no I will not let you take your things only when the gate 2 guards call and say that I can leave he will give them. I said that his problem is that I might run away with the bags so come with me to the main gate it’s just 1-2 minutes walk away so that you can make sure that I do not run. He starts shouting at me saying no no I will not allow I can not leave my post (even though he literally disappeared for 15 minutes to go to the bathroom, which tbh I should have probably just run at that time in hindsight). I didn’t really care at this point he wasn’t making any sense I took my bags and started walking there. He comes running after me yelling at me. I was just like wtf calm down just walk with me to the gate we are already halfway there. He comes grabs my suitcase and my arms and won’t let me go. I can’t believe that he laid his hands on me. I keep just begging him to let go and walk with me to gate 2 he’s shouting saying ki tu bohot galat kaam kar raha hai, padhe likhe ho phir bhi aise kaam kar raha hai. He’s holding on pretty hard at this point I was scared that he would escalate even further and that if anything happened the rest of the guards would 100% blame me so I was just standing holding on to my bags not using any force. He was holding me in place saying that he would not let me go anywhere except the tower. I decided ok this guy is mental I will just go along with him for now he is not going to listen. He still doesn’t let go, practically drags me and my bags back to the tower even though I was complying with him (I found out later but he damaged my suitcase too now it does not roll straight :( ). I went took a seat near the tower entrance and Chomu calls the gate 2 security saying ki “ye baagne ka koshish kar raha hai galat galat baatein bol raha hai” and some other just straight up lies. A few guards come from gate 2 and start shouting at me. I was defeated. I was still on call with my roommate and I explained everything that happened. He was also perplexed and we called the owner and added him to a group call because this was just too much. We tried speaking to the owner a bit before this but he made it very clear that he was very busy but we had no other option at this point as the situation escalated too much. The owner had also told me before on call to try to leave secretly as he didn’t want me in this situation at all. If the owner was opposed to me leaving then ok fine the guards would atleast have a reason to be opposed to me but the owner himself wants me to literally just escape. Idk who the guards are doing this for (their ego of course but still). The owner was very angry that they got physical with me and spoke to Chomu first who didn’t listen to him and then I went back to the main gate (without my bags ofc which Chomu kept hidden from me). I got the owner to speak to multiple guards over the next half an hour and finally the first guard with a brain showed up. As far as I could tell he was the head of all these gate 2 guards because they were listening to whatever he said. The owner explained that this is completely wrong if they want to verify they have the number of the owner in their records they can just see that it is the same as the one they are on call with (I told this to the guards before also but ofc they did not listen). Owner was very angry that they had acted in this way and spoke to the main guard. Idk what they said exactly as they were not on speaker but eventually the head guard said ok take this one guard with you, we will record a video of your room to have proof that things are still there and that you are not running then you may leave. Finally it was getting over. They sent another guard with me to go to my apartment who turned out to be the second guard with brain. I explained the entire situation and he was very nice and told me the issues that they face with people leaving in between and the problems that some bachelors create. I said that I understood but I’m not doing any of that I also know what kinds of things happen here but this is just not that kind of situation. If it’s a question of my character ask any of the neighbors or the owner or any of the tower guards even. Why would the owner be trying to help me if I was scamming him? He was very understanding and we reached my tower and Chomu came up with both of us and we went in my flat and took video of the entire apartment. On the way down the other guard scolded Chomu also saying ki “haath kyun lagaya aisa kaam karega tho bohot problem ho sakta hai Chomu samajh nahi aa raha tujhe”. Idk if he was genuinely scolding him or just to appease me but I didn’t care at this point I just wanted to leave. Finally I showed this video to the main guard at gate 2 he was little shocked because there were still so many of our common things, my roommates things and few of my things still left. He said ok fine you can leave but pay some 3k for shifting out charges. I thought this was little sus because I was sure the guards before were trying to get some money out of me. I asked for receipt also but he said the facility office can only give me and got pissed off when I asked again. By this point I was done and the gpay number had the name as maintenance or facility office of paras tierea so I just paid it to get out I didnt really care if they were taking bribe. I finally took my 2 bags, walked to my friends home at like 2am ordered dinner slept at 4-5 and left for flight at 8. I have definitely left out many minor details but I have already yapped too much at this point and I can’t be asked but hopefully you get the point. Fuck Paras Tierea. TDLR: Grabbed by Paras Tierea guard and harassed for around 5 hours while shifting out despite having owner’s permission.5
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