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No job, no education, no social life - you might just as well not exist
I swear being a NEET is a mindset normies push you into. Last year I had a job in which I was being bullied for keeping to myself and not wanting to play dumb office politics by some 30-40s miserable women. After being "fired" (technically they just didin't prolong my contract but it's really the same thing) I got into the same rut again (spending days depressed and doom scrolling, and eating out all the money I've earned, and then mooching off my mother). My CV makes me look like a red flag, it has year long gaps and no particular direction. I can't even dare to look at it because it disgusts me so much, the idea that I've lost so many years to internet addiction and depression (from the age of 19, now I'm 26) makes me wanna end it. I've had so much opportunities, I could do anything with my life really, but my mind kept playing tricks on me to sabotage myself. I feel so much shame, I feel like everywhere I go people can see how much of a failure I am, and that they're all judging me silently because I feel like it's visible on my face that I'm chronically online. Yesterday my mother got drunk and started cursing at me and telling me to leave, she was basically kicking me out, and she will blame it on alcohol soon but I just know she doesn't want me at her home anymore, and I don't even blame her because I don't do anything productive, I just sit in my room scrolling or watching netflix or whatever, and eating her food. But it hurts so much when noone even wants you and everyone sees you have a problem and they all blame you for it. But my "problem" didin't start when I lost the job, it started already when I was a kid and had no friends, when in middle school I was scared of going to school because of being made fun of, or when my own grandmother told me "I can't even kill myself" or my drunk father attempted to kill me. Normies make your life living hell, they ruin everything you try to achieve, and then sit back and judge you for the very coping mechanisms they created in you. They're extremely political and fake asf, they technically want you poor, ugly or even dead, they're sadistic and they enjoy the psychological warfare they push on you. It makes them happy. Let me tell you folks, their goal is to destroy your brain and crush your self esteem so much that you will be incapable of making your own money and escaping this self-made prison. Technically I should feel priveleged because I come from middle class background and I'm white but they always treated me like second class citizen. Why? Because I don't give a shit about their little rat race and l feel contempt at their abusive behaviors. I probably could hurt myself and noone would even notice. But that's not what I intend to do at all, I'm looking for a job right now because I don't want to be at mercy of these monsters at 30. They've always been trying to make me feel like I don't have the right to live, to be happy, to feel good about myself, but for the first time in my life I intend to win. Enough is enough. If you find yourself in the NEETdom because of trauma you didin't ask for, please believe that you're probably way more intelligent and capable than the same people who indirectly put you in this position. Neurodivergence shouldn't be considered a mental illness, it should be a movement because whenever you go, they make everything in their power to bring you down.3
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