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I was let go after 2 months in my first job in many years
Before landing this job in Aldi, I'd been a shut-in for many years. I don't know if it's the years of isolation or if it's just the way I was wired from the very beginning, but at 28 years old I still don't know how to carry conversations and lack charisma. I struggle to understand instructions quickly and often forget stuff, which obviously doesn't make the best profile for a competent employee. At first I thought I was just dumb, but before dropping out of uni I was able to learn stuff like calculus and programming so I don't think I'm completely stupid, just slow as hell. I dropped out because of a lack of discipline btw. Anyway, the combination of all those undesirable qualities led me into not fitting in the best at the workplace, coworkers slowly began distancing themselves from me, etc. I managed to put a mask for the interview and the first couple of days, but I couldn't hide my true nature forever since those flaws are not really something you suddenly get better at in a few days or weeks just by virtue of trying. I don't even know what I'm saying to be honest, just wanted to vent a little. But if I have a piece of advice, it's not to not to work in Aldi. I think NEETs are better suited for more straightforward tasks. In this company everyone needs to be a cashier, a stockboy, a baker, a cleaner, push carts, and it can be quite overwhelming at first even for regular people, let anone for NEETs. Anyway, have a good afternoon everyone.2
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