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My s23 ultra got stolen at nerul l.p. bus stop
So on this 17th February when I was on the way to home after giving my first mid sem exams of d.y. patil university, I was using my phone to track nmmt buses for 61 or 44 but aa this is India the app is pretty useless an there came a bus after long time without any notice and there was a little crowd to board the bus and as I don't lile to push and fight to enter the bus I boarded from behind the crowd but ehre came 3 people from behind in office get up withblack shoulder bags and started pushing the whole crowd and making the people in front of me fall but I was standing firmly between them they couldn't make me move but in that scenario I felt a swipe from my pocket and instantly I turned back and saw there was only one men behind me In panic I didn't notice that the theives sat on the front seats of the entrance gates and In panic I left the bus to see If someone was running but As we know the bus conductors cooperation the bus didn't stop even though I had informed them of what happened , they immediately left and I had to run back to nerul L.P. busstop to ask my friend to track my phone and call it, the theif picked up the phone and said I found your phone come to mahape but I knew he was lying and the phones tracking location was showing at juhnagar and it ended in juhinagar railway station toilet where he either removed my sim or forced switch off my phone because It could not have been turned off with unlocking. Next week on same monday at same time I saw 3 suspicious men in same get up trying to board every crowded bus from behind but the did not enter it they got off immediately and 2 of them even tried to do that with me when ever I was faking to stand up from the seat of the bus stop and get goimg for a bus that is coming all I needed was to verify and I was right they were trying to steal phones, but unfortunately they got into one bus and got away but I had taken photo of 1 and I can recognize all 3 of them, They do not steal from 1 but multiple bus stops , If the same happens with you then maybe we could help each other to catch those bastards5
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