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Friends or Enemies?
I have these 2 friends M(33) & F(30). Let's call guy 'S' and girl 'A'.We have group of 3 including me.We know each other online from 1 year.Recently, they both 'S' & 'A' came into relationship I always felt third wheel between them. From few days we started playing Ludo game online.During game time 3 of us are on call also side by side we play game.So 'S' that guy always irritates me by just guiding each steps that you should play this that.Also, yesterday what happened 'S' won game I was 2nd.So I just told them any game just needs patience for winning.Suddenly, out of nowhere he just said then Why didn't you won then if you have patience?This line somewhat offended me. Today I just told them I was hurt by this.They just made fun that you lost therefore you got offended.We were just making fun.When I tried to explain 'S'.He started saying you will not understand anyways bcoz you just don't want to listen.You always want to prove your point this that.This is not at all about game but I do observe people behaviour everytime around me. Also,this guy 'S' never make any fun of his girl 'A' they both make fun and laugh on me.And afterwards make me explain don't take things so seriously its just fun.Also,this guy 'S' thinks he is superior.He thinks that I do fear him but that's not thing at all.Now,they both are blaming me for bringing all this up.And they are playing sympathy card that 'You are always right.We are wrong.You can blame us.'. What do you guys think? Whats going on in their mind?Also,Are these guys real or faking friendship? Should I keep contact or let them go?2
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