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escaped a dangerous situation in late night lonely train
im 18m boy like slim, fair and weak too, was on a late-night train alone and noticed a guy (27-28m) staring at me. at first, i thought it was nothing, but then we made eye contact, and he winked at me, touched his crotch, and made an obvious gesture like "chalta hai kya" diagonal nod type like u know what I'm talking about. i wasn’t sure still, but he kept looking at me, then he took a step back pretending to blend into the crowd but peeking at me repeatedly. he was still peeking and making the gesture from the crowd, confirming 100% that his intentions were bad and predatory. i was sitting, just chilling and trying to not overthink and drop at ambernath only, but i knew he was onto me, so I was thinking how can I avoid him. things got more serious when someone near me got up to leave at kalyan, and this guy took the empty seat directly behind me. it was an open seat, so in his defense, he just sat there, now I got scared, and this was my moment to act as his intentions were confirmed to be bad and predatory plus the seat behind me. had a sharp two-wheeler key in my hand just in case if he follows me to ambernath as he was jacked body compared to me weak, but he would've got me regardless of the key, but i didn’t want to wait for things to go bad. last minute before the train left kalyan, i dropped there and walked like i was leaving, then hopped onto the same train again in another compartment and dropped at ambernath where i live. i saw him looking at me while i dropped at kalyan, like he knew i got scared like he knew i knew of his intentions. didn't wanna contact or send location to parents as it would give them faltu ka tension, and didn't wanna inform anyone stranger on train as if he changed his mind or stop being obvious then I would've been a clown like overthinking and framing anyone unnecessarily and it was late night like after 12.30am so police wouldn't be of any help on time and it was still not enough to contact police, so I was all alone on my self. in the end, nothing happened. but damn, this was close and could've ended badly.3
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