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Tips for cleaning your exhaust.
Saw a few posts recently where people were concerned about marks on their exhausts and were thinking it's rust/damage. For e.g., the before image is from a 1 year old bike. This is actually just muddy/dirt from monsoon slush that sticks to the exhaust and get's "baked" onto the not metal. It doesnt come out with soap or water so people get worried. It's very normal to see this on steel exhausts after rains. The solution is worth just Rs. 30 and 5 minutes of your time. 1. Get yourself some Pitambari (even 50g will be enough), and green scotch brite scrub pad (any brand is fine). 2. Pour/spray some water on the exhaust, dab the pad on pitambari and start scrubbing. 3. Try to stick to an up down motion along the length or rotating motion along the axis of the pipe. 4. Dont be afraid to apply more pressure. In about 5 mins you will see its completely cleaned up. If you are worried about the brownish tinge going away, dont. It'll come back slowly over time as the exhaust heats up while the engine runs. Note: I know this works for steel exhausts. If you have chrome plating, double check if you can do this.5
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