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Magnetic bed scam. Prevent your gullible elders from falling prey to such marketing gimmicks.
My mother, who is almost of old age and a very gullible person, had seen a presentation of these Magnetic beds that apparently heal a diaspora of illnesses such as joint pain, headaches, migranes and everything under the sky via this magnetic mattress and 2-3 other gimmicks sold by a company (don't wanna take the name cause i dont wanna risk them suing me but the same bs is sold by some other companies as well) almost a year ago. Now she had been mentioning about buying this for about a year in conversations and whenever she brought this up i would say, it's pseudoscience because its simple biology (i'll explain this further on). But push comes to shove she actually invites over these guys and they convince her to buy this nonsense worth 10k and i saw my mother blatantly get scammed and i could do nothing about it, here's the worst part, she's in the field of medicine (nurse). Here's why it is pseudoscience, They claim it treats the body by having an effect on the iron present in the body by having small neodimiyum magnets (small magnets that are cheap but they make it sound like it is something exclusive) inside the mattress. In actuality, iron present inside the body is metabolised iron and not physical iron, if magnetism were to have any effect on the human body, it would be very obvious in our day to day lives. They also have other products that come with the magnetic mattress such as 1) a water bottle and magnetic cover for it which makes the water better and hence if you drink it, it gives you superstrength or they'll sell you something along a similar narrative 2) a velcro strap on band or a belt of sort that makes migranes go away, he also suggested it can make thyroid levels lower if tied onto the neck 3) a gold wrist chain which idk what it does Here is how you can test their claims if you ever come across anything similar, A demo they give is they firstly stand beside you and pull your arms in a specific way tp make you lose balance and then make you either drink or wash your hands with the water from the magnetised water bottle and then they pull your arm in another way to make it seem like you gained power and now you dont lose balance. This is simple physics and is all a play of how you make your vicitm stand and how you pull their arm. If you want to disprove them, before they demonstrate, gather 5 people and make a single person drink the magnetic water without their notice, later on ask them to identify the person who drank the water by testing all of the 5 people, pretty sure they'll find some vague explaination but it will help you decide on the subject after my mom bought it, i did some simple research and found out the same gimmick demo was used for pseudoscience products like magic band, magnetic bracelets etc from brands like quantum scalar pendants, power balance etc. in countires like US, australia and some other european countries. It is basically copy pasted with these other products along with the marketing formula of allopathic medicine bad no results and here is a magical way of treating ilnesses with little to no scientific backup In the modern day, it is a marketing trend of oh how modern gadets and lifestyle have made us weak and scams are sold in guises of new innovative non allopathic techniques that are blatant pseudoscience. Make sure to practice caution in these type of events or you can pursue to believe in them, but remember if these things actually worked, allopathic medicine wouldnt be such a profitable business that it is, today TLDR; Buy yourself basic biology or physics lessons instead of spending on some pseudoscience marketing ploy.2
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