• Bluetooth Crossed wont work / System keychain importing Error 10001 after updating

    Posting this because it fixed 2 problems I had with my imac A1418 after updating it from big sur to ventura and want to help others that have them. The most notable one was the bluetooth, after updating it showed crossed and didnt work (some mouse functions didnt work too). The other one was related to adding certificates to the system keychain. I tried everything for the bluetooth (deleting certains .plist files, reseting Nvram) and none of the solutions worked, so i just gave up and tried fixing the second error. When i tried importing the certificates i needed to the system keychain i would get an error 10001 or smth like that. (Tried lots of things too) Finally i came across [this](https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/328304/system-keychain-certs-import-fail-with-unixoperation-not-permitted) Stackexchange post. Tried it and it fixed both my errors, the bluetooth worked againg and I was able to import certificates to the system keychain. [https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/328304/system-keychain-certs-import-fail-with-unixoperation-not-permitted](https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/328304/system-keychain-certs-import-fail-with-unixoperation-not-permitted)

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