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Using poor quality material during construction: NCDRC holds builder liable for deficiency in service.
In a recent ruling the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, held that usage of subpar resources for construction amounts to deficiency in service.\` In this case the complainant approached the builder to build a flat at a rate agreed per square foot and paid in advance six installments which amounting to Rs. 12.25 lakhs. Later the builder again call for Rs.2 lakhs, giving the reason that the ground floor is completed. However, upon examination, it was revealed that the job was not only half-done but also very bad quality including sub-standard materials, as well difference from the approved plan. Due to poor workmanship and financial discrepancies, the complainant lost faith in the builder and filed a complaint before the District Forum seeking a refund of Rs. 8.35 lakhs, along with interest and compensation. The District Forum allowed the complaint and directed the complainant to deposit the balance amount. Commission also ordered builder to perform the remaining work as per the agreement and to pay Rs. 10,000 as litigation costs and to pay the amount along with Rs.5,00,000 as compensation. Feeling dissatisfied with the decision, the complainant appealed before the State Commission of Kerala which allowed the appeal. The State Commission reversed the order of the District Commission and ordered the builder to pay Rs.8.35 lakhs collected in excess at 8% interest, along with Rs. 10,000 as litigation costs. Being aggrieved by all this, the builder filed a revision petition before the National Commission. The builder argued that there was a default on part of the complainant by way of non-payment of money that caused a delay in construction. He relied upon the clause in the agreement whereby in case of non-payment, the builder can stop the construction work. It was contended that the complainant was still owed Rs. 2,25,650, which is a portion of the total cost for construction amounting to Rs. 14,80,650, and there is no deficiency in service. The National Commission noted that the fundamental questions to be resolved were whether the builder had utilized inferior materials, whether the builder had the right to stop the construction due to delays in payment, and whether the complainant was entitled to a refund of excess payments. The builder expressed that the complainant oversaw the construction and never once brought to the attention of the builder these claims of poor quality materials and deviations from the plan. Regarding the delay in payment, the builder said that the complainant did not pay as agreed, and therefore construction was delayed, and the agreement stipulated that work can be suspended. The complainant said he was paid extra, but the builder said the total was higher than what the complainant paid. The National Commission found deficiency of service and directed the builder to refund the excess amount paid along with interest and compensation which is Rs.5,00,000, payable within a month with interest for the delay. Published by **Voxya** as an initiative to help consumers in resolving consumer complaints.5
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