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She almost killed herself
Something happened in my class few days back. Im in a dummy schl studying for NEET. There's a girl in my class. Let us call her Sia. She is not that grear in studies. And other girls in our class hate her. Who knows why? Some says she is very rude. But she has never been rude to me . So the point is she will be always sitting alone in a corner of the classroom. Everyone will be sitting with a frnd, but she will be alone always. Im the only frnd of her,I guess. Sometimes even the teacher has made jokes that I always care for her and shit like that. We were just friends. Her parents are not that financially stable and many times they asked her to drop out to normal class as she is not that great in studies. Few days back,She texted me that her mother slapped her face saying something like 'You are not worth it. Pls don't waste your father's money '. She was crying to me that she wants to die. I motivated her that she can do it. Hardwork always beats talent and things like that. The next day she came to schl and she was okay. But things became worse on the day after that. We had recently wrote a mock test and the results just came. Sia got the lowest mark. The teacher was disappointed. He started scolding her infront of everyone. That particular teacher was known for his short temperedness. He said, 'You are not worth for NEET. Get out of the class and atleast study for boards'. Everyone dtarted laughing. I was genuinely sorry for her. Just a day back, her mother said the same thing. And now again. She left the class crying. Everyone were making fun of her. I didn't know what to do. The teacher gave us the answer key and we started reviewing our paper. The time went on and she didn't return even after an hour. Her bag was in the class. She just ran out of the class crying and didn't return. I pointed out this to the teacher. He waited for another 15mins. Nothing happened. Within another 30mins the whole class were searching for her. The place becam chaotic. Atlast, hopefully she was found in the girl's restroom unconscious. She has fainted. The worst part is she had a knife in her hand(the sort of knife usef for defence). She had shut her inside the bathroom for an hour with a knife. She decided to kill herself. But thankfully she didn't have the will power. Due to the closed place she has fallen dizzy, I guess. This happened yesterday. Today it has been a holiday due to heavy rain. I want her to be strong. What should I do, as a friend,to keep her going?4
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