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India vs pakistan in every icc tournament not only makes it boring but also killing the hype. If you are a passionate fan, drop your honest opinion!
I am not a very big cricket fan because my main sports is tennis and football but I do watch India's knockout matches in icc tournament and I have one honest confession. If it's coming from a seasonal fan like me, then I am 1000% sure you passionate ict fans must be feeling the same tho So I will be very clear here that in every ICC tournament we have India's vs pakistan.. iirc it was not there till 2015 wc but since 2016 T20 till now every match of India vs pakistan is there in ICC tournament I mean yes the so called rivarly is there(I consider australia as our main rival) and it gets the most viewership which results in more money but not everytime man NO NO NO Now this all looks so boring man. In asia cup also india vs pakistan has to be there no matter what, in icc tournament also. If I can explain you guys with different sports then just imagine that I mean just imagine that if brazil vs Argentina happens everytime in football will the craze be there? They never meet in wc and play in Copa only if they reach knockout (like brazil was defeated by Uruguay so they can't face them). Same goes with el classico and my favorite team arsenal facing Tottenham (they all face each other 2 times because it's a league and ofcourse if they go deep into Copa del Rey for barca-RM and fa cup/EFL cup for arsenal-tottenham) even I will be hella bored and annoying of arsenal will play Tottenham everytime lol Same goes with tennis, we have big 3 (Federer,Nadal, Djokovic) competing each other with other 2 i.e., Murray and wawrinka(indirectly known as big 5).. so we knew that we will get to watch the combination of big 5 altogether and not just the same player every damn time In UFC just imagine if McGregor played with khabib everytime, will the hype be there? Absolutely No but here no matter what india vs pakistan happens Even before the wc venue also I think icc decides about india vs pakistan match. I am 100% sure that when in 2021/22 the following venues for this tournament came, icc would have decided that when India will face pakistan 2025 ct 2026 T20 2027 wc 2028 T20 2029 ct 2031 wc So it's sure that in all the icc tournament we will face them. There will be india vs pakistan in all the upcoming 6 tournament of icc and don't forget the Asia cup I just want to say that let's make this rivarly unique, if they play once in 5-6 tournament then only the hype will be there, if you think letting them play in every icc tournament along with Asian Cup then sorry. The hype will go soooon1
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