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First time in my life, feeling rather clueless
I am 29M working a contractual job I absolutely love in the UK. I am back in India and for the first time, I feel clueless in life. This is because several things have happened in quick succession that I believe I haven't processed properly. 1. My mum recently discovered that my dad had been cheating on her. I was abroad when all of this unfolded and I don't know what compromise they came to but they still live together. I am ashamed that when I came back, I wasn't able to confront my dad, that I let him inflict mental pain on my mum everyday, pretended that everything is normal. Meanwhile, I watch helplessly as my mum reduces to the shell of her former self as she suffers emotionally. 2. I am at crossroads in my career. I wish to settle in India so that I can give back to the country. I want to be to future students what my professors were to me in my formative years. I wish to engage politically with lower caste student organisations and help them. Indian universities have also been fairly positive in their response when I apply. However, every time I come back, Indian cities look more and more unlivable. I struggle to breathe. I don't drive and it seems you can't get around without a car these days. However, if I settle abroad, I would feel like I am being selfish. Also, I feel I will be lonelier. Which brings to my final point. 3. I have a perfect career trajectory. But somewhere in the midst of all that, I never got into a relationship. I was an awkward teen in a missionary boys school and even at university the ratio was abysmally skewed. Recently, I got into an ldr and the girl approached me first. I frankly did not find her very interesting but I didn't reject her because I thought someone's better than noone. I am usually a great conversationalist but with her I had nothing in common so our conversations would often veer towards sex. A month ago, she broke up because she felt that she was not being respected in the relationship. That was, unfortunately, probably true. I was ashamed that I talk so high and mighty about being a feminist and yet this is how my first relationship ended. Perhaps I am no different than my dad. I just wanted to note these down. I would appreciate words of wisdom or of comfort. Thanks.3
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