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Selling items on roadside cart
14 years into programming, time flies so fast, In 2025, I am planning to start selling something on roadside cart or movable stall, can't afford that one more liability of space rent 1. planning sell herbal tea to random passerby people, with heating with that electric mug, obviously I will need good battery on my stall. Girnar premix chai is good choice, comes with multiple flavours, 15 rupees per cutting I don't know people will take or not 2. planning to sell maggi, over the course of last 5 years I experimented with maggi preparation steps, made multiple recipes and now I have revised version of my maggi recipe which tastes very tasty and final outcome is sellable, again I don't know how much price per plate I should keep, and I will need electric cooking equipment and good battery to run longer I am not sure what I should sell, any ideas welcome1
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