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How are you making money to get ahead with financial struggles?
Seeing all the posts in this sub, I'm sure there are many people who are struggling financially like me and I want to understand how optimistic you are about the future. I'm 27 and life doesn't seem optimistic at all because of these AI's taking over our jobs. I make 48k a month but I'm about to lose my job in the coming month due to layoffs. I'm struggling to lead a stable life due to financial debt of 6.5 lakh and barely manage to meet the ends. Because of it, I'm facing anxiety, stress and depression and I couldn't able to mingle with people and apparently vice-versa. Now that I'm in job hunt, I'm getting the gist of how fucked up I am in life because I couldn't even getting the interviews as I'm from non-technical background. Or it is just the job market outside but just thinking about the EMIs, bills, expenses is giving me trauma. I did so much to come till here from where I've been and I'm not fcuking ready to go back to that phase. If I could wish for something, I only ask for a way to get out of this and take care of myself. Living myself here alone is making me zoned out from the world and I just couldn't accept the fact that I'm doing this bad in life. It's not that I feel like I'm lost, it's simply nothing. If anyone been through the similar phase, I'll be glad if you can help me understand how you overcome your financial problems. 1) How do you manage through financial situations, especially if you come from a very humble background? LIKE A VERY HUMBLE BACKGROUND, as if there's no one to back you. 2) Have you ever felt like you were stuck in life with no way forward? How did you break out of it? 3) Are you able to mentally recover from what you've been through? 4) On a personal note, I’ve lost hope in marriage. At this stage, is it even possible to find someone who would support me? I know my future depends on my skills, but right now, I feel stuck with no direction. Any constructive feedback or advice would mean a lot.4
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