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Guys, 50LPA+ WFH, No Friends, No One to Talk to, Living Alone
From the start of my career, I was just looking for my career. I was just focusing on my career and coding. It's been 7 years of my coding career, and still, colleagues were my friends, but no one is from this state or even this country. No more real friends for the last 2 years; I didn’t even meet a new friend/person. I used to have friends before, but due to some situation, I quit my job by trusting someone. before when i have a job, my friends used to come and chill, but when I quit my job, I had no money, and no one was there for me in my hard times. I didn't even have money for food. At that time, I used to ask for 1K/2K, but no one helped me. It took me 4 months to get a job again. I struggled alone, I cried alone, all alone, without anyone. and now everyone calls me for help. I haven't even touched any human for the last few months, just staying at home, completing all my work, and sleeping. What should I really do to make myself socialize? Wake up, coffee, work, sleep – nothing else in life. working 12-14 hours a day cause i have no one to talk to, or no one with me to spend time on. These lonely lines are really too hard now. When I look back, I am only seeing my career, no one else, and nothing. I have been living alone for the last three years. I was never this much hard for 2 years and 6 months, but now I am not able to. Every day, I wake up, and it's just me and me every day, the same. What should I do now? I learned a lesson that living alone for a long time with no one is really, really hard. I would suggest: be social, make friends, and don't just focus only on your career like me, when you have everything but no one to spend time with, it feels empty.1
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