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Dear car drivers! Be better.
Let me begin by saying that in my opinion non-commercial car drivers are the best drivers on Hyderabad roads. I would say the autowallahs are the worst of the worst, the Xylo cab drivers that pickup and drop office-goers are the second worst. Now, to the best of the lot. The non-commercial car drivers. You're quite good, but need to be better. 1. Please stop at zebra crossings. I know pedestrians are stupid and they jaywalk, but still, please stop at zebra crossings. 2. Don't honk at all. It's not necessary at all. I have driven for more than 2 years without honking. I honk to admonish bad drivers. 3. Don't unnecessarily use high beam. 4. Don't cut lanes immediately if there's a waiting car in front of you. Please wait and watch. 5. Before opening any door look behind. I have seen car drivers and passengers causing accidents because of their carelessness. Add more the ones I have missed out. Thanks2
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