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Happy Mahashivratri
Sun(Shiva) and moon(Shakti)in astrology Sun and Moon are the "Forces of the Creator" in our horoscopes signifying Shiva Shakti (Male Female - Ying Yang) that controls the destiny of all yogas (combinations), if they are spoilt things get spoilt for a long time. Sun determines one's anger and Moon one's compassion and they balance the elements in our body (Fire and Water). If you notice Natural Zodiac, Water Signs are always behind (12th) the Fire Signs showing what causes loss of fire or rather what is needed to balance the fire - compassion balances anger. Without balance of these elements, man becomes worse than animals and, in fact, most animals have it at perfect balance as per their role in the Bio-Cosmos. A truly spiritual person or a true astrologer will have anger-compassion balanced in his life if not, he has not understood spirituality or astrology. -from Bsp #mahashivratri #shivashakti5
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