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God, I hate liberal honda sher(ni)s more than anything
This sub, other 'hindutvadi' subs, and an entire section of twitter and Instagram is filled with lib ret@rds who have the audacity to misinterpret scriptures to justify their own beliefs. You must have seen them around often, the kind which goes 'akshually Hinduism the most pheminist rilizon in wurld, Hinduism is way of life bro, Hinduism is better than izlam as we rispict wemen, manu wrote manusmriti so pheminist that even Andrea Dworkin copied from it' blah blah blah. These liberals are often privileged upper middle class who live in tier 1 cities and spread misinformation and since they have no backbone to take a firm stance, they will bootlick both trads and questioning atheists, betraying them both. I'm no trad by any means, I'm firmly leaning to feminism, and if it means I have to trade my religion away for my freedom, so be it. I have no desire to believe in a religion which says it's dharma for me to think of my future husband as my God (no mortal human except my parents will even be close to God for me). I want to stay celibate all my life, I have no intention of ever marrying whatsoever because the very idea of giving up my identity, having sex and bearing pregnancy terrified me. I refuse any control over my life from a religion I have stopped believing in. At the same time, it just...disgusts me how liberal Hindus will twist the scriptures to justify my and their own paths. I don't need any sort of scriptures or traditions to justify my path, even if it's terrible for me I'm willing to go down on it. Even for me, who's very opposed to religion, would think it's lowest of low to misinterpret 6000 year of surviving tradition and gaslight the followers into believing their tradition is something that it is not. I don't hate atheists for I am one, but I hate heretics with all my heart. I have seen on this sub and many other places how people will say Hinduism is not patriarchal, or it is less patriarchal than Abrahamic Religions. Both statements are horribly false. If you think that some exceptions of female praise here and there inspite of major material being opposite makes your beloved Hinduism any feminist...By that logic, even islam and Christianity are bastions of female empowerment. Islam says jannat is in mother's feet. Islam, as trash it is, was lesser evil to women than whatever was going on before in Arab. Christianity would be the most feminist religion by libs logic, as women of Europe were the first to adopt it. Because Hellenistic religions, despite having goddesses, explicitly state that women are outright inferior to men, and that men could cheat on his woman how many times he wanted. But Christianity argued that women are different but equal, and brought monogamy to Europe, Jesus told people to pluck their own eyes before lusting after a woman. So please don't be under delusion that a few phrases of female praise and affection make a religion non-patriarchal. It may make a religion non misogynist, but not feminist. Please. My point of this post is to not shame Hinduism, or compare it with other religions. My point is plain and simple, and it is addressed to liberals: Please stop deluding young women and men into believing Hinduism is something else. People who like the idea of Hinduism will follow it anyways. Let the followers be genuine believers who find their truth in scriptures rather than heretics who are deluded about the truth of dharmas in Hinduism. Being a young girl I myself used to believe such lies, and now thankfully now that I know that Hinduism, while being well and good, is not fit for my life, I refuse to believe in both liberal delusions and conservative impositions. I plan to quit altogether. I bear no I'll intentions towards any devoted follower of Hinduism, after all it's the religion I was brought in, cherished me, and survived in my beloved country for more than 5000 years. It's just... it's not for me.3
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