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Couldn't / Can't attend Kumbh ? I will help you. Please read body.
Hello all, by god's grace, I will be in kumbh for a good whole week approximately. I will have more than ample time and resources to allow me to bathe many times also. However, due to some weird reason, I have had this idea of seva that I wanted to share with you all. Here is my deal : if you couldn't come to kumbh, if you can't, if you are in really bad phase of life, if you really need some blessings, if you really believe in kumbh and ganga and mahadev but couldn't come here, if you have any loved ones that need blessings in their life because they are at a fatal stage (mentally or physically) - I will pray for you from Prayagraj and I will take a dip for you too. I will surrender that and ask God to give all that punya to you. That's all. Plain and simple. Nothing else. Since it's Kaliyuga and I haven't yet attained the best version of myself : I do have a price. 1. You will sit and pray with full heart to your favourite god for 15m. Whatver whoever however, idc. 2. You will help one person in any form. Of any age, through any means, through time-money-advice. Anything, anybody, anywhere, idc. 3. You will feed one meal to one jeev that you don't know. Be it human, be it cow or a dog or anything. Idc. 4. And you will pray for me and bless me once. If you don't do this, then obviously it's a karmic debt you will owe to the universe, not me. So yeah. That's all. Thank you for reading. Let me know if you are intrested. I don't need any money or anything for this. I just wanted to start a wave of goodness. Kumbh is not a location based mela. It's the pot of punya that's is our soul. And it's upto us to overfill it with goodness and righteousness so that grace and hope overflows in this society. That's my aim. May the lords light guide us all to peace and prosperity 🙏 sitaram 🌞3
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