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Can you clarify
Why am I not allowed to celebrate bhai-dooj with my sister like normal people just because she is going through menstruation. I don't see the logic here . Such an auspicious occasion to celebrate love and care and memories between brothers and sisters and they spoil it with outdated ancient beliefs that makes zero sense. I recently had a fight with my relatives because I took my sister to the temple while she was on her vulnerable period . Whats wrong in going to temple ? I beleive scriptures and texts are highly misinterpreted in our society to practice nonsense traditions . I'll give an example : "women are not allowed in the kitchen during menstruation" makes zero sense , hight misinterpreted. This should not be a rule but a precaution that women should not do physical activities during that time and only rest . They should not be cooking but resting . But society highly misinterpreted it that menstruation is "dirty" and "impure" . Please let me know if there are specific texts that answers my questions .2
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