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Do all bpo in india are like this? Need some help for friend?
One of my friend(Y) joined this company let say it z. And after joining there was not proper training for newly joined employees or freshers. I mean one their floor employee conducting training session and they didn't have any trainer. they were pressuring on the each of them to handle multiple chats a same time which is not possible to handle that much of the pressure from customers that to for a fresher he was telling they were giving warning about not to get any dset. Something like minus points in performance. And the people was not so good there as well. He was saying that 5 to 6 chats. And which required lot of attention at same time he was facing it hard to do with proper attention. Bcoz he takes everything seriously he does any and every work with honesty and he gives 100 perecent to everything he left it like in 20 days. He is planing to join another bpo. Because he had a rough childhood due which he not academically strong..1
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