Community Information
Never celebrated "Goa Liberation Day" and never will. My Goa deserves independence from India if it is to be truly saved. There is no other way.
What sort of liberation should I celebrate? 1. Our land which belonged to our Goan children now belongs to DLF, Bhutani, Lodha Realtors. 2. The water springs that we played and spent our childhood summers together has been polluted and killed by the housing projects to accommodate people that do not even speak our language or know what our country Goa is about. 3. The hills where we spent so many evenings on, just staring at the setting sun, with cool breeze blowing on our tired faces after a hard game of football is being sold to setup an MRF plant to accommodate the tons of garbage that will be generated by these housing projects. 4. The beaches we spent every school, ward and catechism picnic's is being sold to construct resorts and restaurants. 5. The rice fields you and I ate from, are being filled to convert into settlement zones to be sold to builders. 6. The fruit orchard where we first kissed will soon be converted to build row villas. 7. All this destruction of my country, my identity, my entire existence, so that the privileged few Indians that can afford 1.5cr 2bhk can have a second home at the cost of our peril.1
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